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VeeamON 2022 Countdown – Full Agenda Released!

Today I’ve noticed that Veeam have released the full upcoming agenda for their premier data protection event: VeeamON 2022!

I just want to talk through some of the personal highlights I spotted from the agenda.

Hands on Labs (Virtual & In-person)


Veeam Backup & Replication v12

That is not a typo, Veeam must be feeling pretty confident about the shape of v12 by now as next month they’ll be allowing hands on labs of this unreleased product. Check out the description below:

In this lab, you will be working with a Veeam Backup & Replication V12 environment where you will learn the basics of Veeam Backup & Replication, test out some of our upcoming new features, and perform typical Veeam backup operator tasks though an interactive step-by-step lab guide.

I can only speculate as to what upcoming features will be available to test, but I’m looking forward to seeing what Veeam have been cooking up since v11 launched last year.


Veeam Backup & Replication with Immutable Linux Hardened Repository

Veeam are clearly still eager for more people to adopt a hardened repository, with the endless stories of ransomware and data wiping attacks, this makes a lot of sense. Hopefully once people see how easy it is to get up and running with, we’ll see adoption increase during design refreshes.


Everything v12!

There are numerous sessions dedicated to v12, and thankfully, most of these are focused on deep dives into the technologies and decision making as opposed to a sales-driven “death by PowerPoint” approach. I’ve collated the currently announced list below:

  • Veeam Backup & Replication v12: What’s new and introduction
  • V12: New capabilities for service providers
  • V12: Tape Enhancements
  • V12: NAS Enhancements
  • V12: Enterprise Application Enhancements
  • Veeam ONE v12 Preview
  • V12: Core Architecture Enhancements Part 1
  • V12: Core Architecture Enhancements Part 2
  • Deep Dive of V12 Object Storage Enhancements
  • V12: Security Enhancements
  • V12: Agent Enhancements

There’s no point me adding any further to that, as we’ve all got to wait and see what v12 will bring, so lets wait and hear it directly from Veeam.


Demos, Demos, Demos!

You name the Veeam technology, there’ll be a demo for it. Delivered by an epic collection of speakers, with Kseniya Zvereva showcasing Veeam Backup for AWS, Michael Cade & Adam Bergh demoing Kasten K10, Rick Vanover touring Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure, Pete Ybarra & Elizabeth Bagnas exploring Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV and last but not least Andrew Zhelezko introducing Veeam Backup for Salesforce, there’s definitely something for everyone. And that’s not even the end of the list…



How many events would dedicate an entire event to the various ways to get involved with the greater Veeam community? Not many! Check out Kseniya Zvereva, Nikola Pejkova, and Rick Vanover as they discuss everything community. And then get involved!


Other Sessions of Note:


Some sessions I’m especially looking forward to are:


VeeamON 2022 Technology General Session

We can’t get specific, until we know what’s going on in general. This session will see Danny Allan (supported by an all-star cast of epic Veeamers) talking through a number of new and upcoming Veeam products, including some live demos! Already confirmed to appear are Veeam Backup & Replication v12 and Veeam Backup for Salesforce. Veeam are going to take this opportunity to focus on security, the cloud and Kubernetes, so hopefully there’ll be some good reveals here.


Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure/AWS/Google Cloud Platform Deep Dive into Best Practices

Cloud adoption isn’t showing any signs of slowing down, but each cloud is fundamentally different by design. It’s great to see Veeam tailoring specific sessions towards optimising Veeam for each individual cloud. We’re already starting to see materials such as the Veeam Cookbook for VBfMA, so I’m glad to see Veeam continuing to lead the conversation on what good looks like from the top, and with specific, targeted, guidance.


Primed for Object

Whether you’re wondering ‘What is Object Storage?’ or whether you’re trying to squeeze every ounce of performance and efficiency out of your designs, Joe Gremillion and Olivier Rossi are going to discuss all of the key workloads for object storage, such as offloads for tiering and immutability. There’s promises of best practices and sizing guidelines, with v12 bringing even more object storage features into the mix, this will be one to watch!


Transform Your DR Experience with Veeam Disaster Recovery Orchestrator

Who doesn’t love a bit of best practice? And who doesn’t love being able to practice your recovery from a DR event? Melissa Palmer and Alec King will be taking us through solving common problems and providing guidance on how to create a great VDRO environment. Plus, there’s talk of a sneak peek as VDRO v6…


Beat the Gostev Challenge Lessons Learned

I’ll be up front here, I still think I won really. But in second place, only slightly (*cough* 429,496,581.9GB/s) slower, was the brilliant achievement by SVA. Falko Banaszak & Jochen Seeger will discuss their configuration steps to get all the performance they could squeeze out of Veeam, and they did it without creating a GUI bug!

Jokes aside, it was amazing what they achieved, I’m really looking forward to seeing this one.


Doing More with Your Backup Data, Harness the Power of the Data Integration API

It’s a brilliant concept, leveraging your backups as datasets to interrogate. Ben Young and Chris Arceneaux will be bringing machine learning and AI applications to the Data Integration API and show some of the possibilities that become available once you leverage your backups. I’m intrigued to see what is possible with this technology.


Veeam Proxy Sizing Workshop & Best Practices / Veeam Hardened Repository Configuration and Best Practices

Okay, who scheduled these at the same time? I just want to talk to you… The shovel? Just ignore that…

Jokes aside, it’s always good to get aligned with some of the best in the business on how to optimize these core components for any backup solution, these sessions will definitely be ones to watch.


I’m excited, how do I get involved?


Jump over to and register now! Whether you want to attend in-person or virtually, that’s up to you. If you register before the 1st of May, you may even win a pair of custom Veeam trainers/sneakers. Wondering what they look like? Have your say on the final design, vote here!


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Lots of many great sessions for sure this year and just updated my agenda.  Hopefully can attend all sessions but might need to clone myself in some timeslots. 🤣

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Lots of many great sessions for sure this year and just updated my agenda.  Hopefully can attend all sessions but might need to clone myself in some timeslots. 🤣

Yep, hoping we get recording access for a few months again...

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Fine, then I will build my personal agenda in the next days. 😎👍🏼

And yes, let's hope that there are recordings again...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Lots of many great sessions for sure this year and just updated my agenda.  Hopefully can attend all sessions but might need to clone myself in some timeslots. 🤣

Yep, hoping we get recording access for a few months again...

Yes I want to see this too even though in-person would be great to catch missed sessions online.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Great write up@MicoolPaul! Too many great sessions highlighted… Can’t wait!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Again too many great sessions to attend them all.

Oh, and I've discovered a v13 session...though it may be just a typo 😅



Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I spotted a few of these little things yesterday @regnor 😆 that one did make me laugh, I thought, no surely there’s not a v13 session already???


Rick has an Azure session talking about AWS apparently.

I’ve sent the ones I’ve found in, hopefully they’ll be addressed now the mass registrations will start!

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Virtual present here 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Again too many great sessions to attend them all.

Oh, and I've discovered a v13 session...though it may be just a typo 😅



Maybe this is the super secret session I heard about. 😂

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Chris.Childerhose You all know tape is now let's talk about v13 🤣

@MicoolPaul Doesn't the ‘A’ in ‘AWS’ stand for Azure?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Again too many great sessions to attend them all.

Oh, and I've discovered a v13 session...though it may be just a typo 😅



Maybe this is the super secret session I heard about. 😂

V13 is VBR Tape only 😎😎😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Again too many great sessions to attend them all.

Oh, and I've discovered a v13 session...though it may be just a typo 😅



Maybe this is the super secret session I heard about. 😂

V13 is VBR Tape only 😎😎😎


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I should have built my agenda earlier as now all the Hands-on Labs have reached their capactiy and are now longer available for registration. 😐

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I should have built my agenda earlier as now all the Hands-on Labs have reached their capactiy and are now longer available for registration. 😐

Same here. I left it a bit late and no capacity in Hands-on Labs

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Lots of many great sessions for sure this year and just updated my agenda.  Hopefully can attend all sessions but might need to clone myself in some timeslots. 🤣

Yep, hoping we get recording access for a few months again...

Yes, will be necessary 🤗

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I should have built my agenda earlier as now all the Hands-on Labs have reached their capactiy and are now longer available for registration. 😐

Same here. I left it a bit late and no capacity in Hands-on Labs

Yep, had the same issue 😏

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Most of the sessions I like, 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

will build my Agenda soon !

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Does anyone else think that the GEO (virtual sessions) filter in the Agenda is confusing? If I select EMEA I only get 19 sessions and almost no v12 sessions except for “Veeam ONE v12 Preview”. However I’m able to register also for the AMER sessions and I also don’t see a reason why I shouldn’t be able to attend those sessions; or are those physical sessions in Las Vegas?
