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Veeam Community Recording - Kubernetes 101: Getting started in a cloud native world

I had the pleasure of presenting this Kubernetes 101 session to the Veeam Community thanks to my work as part of their Veeam Vanguards program, and a special thank you to Michael Cade who co-presented with me!

In this session we cover the following with technical details included:

  • How have we got here?
  • Kubernetes – The Building Blocks
  • Policies
  • Wrap-up


I’ve also a number of Kubernetes related content on my blog. And I’m slowly completing 100 Days of Kubernetes tracked here on my GitHub.


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Thanks it was a great review for me. The topic is big and so you find yourself Months later having to go back and re-digest. I have just had this with getting the proper RBAC permissions. Then there was secrets and config maps for pulling images from a private registry :). Kubernetes truly fits the “must learn and then must do” mantra of IT. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

For those who haven’t seen this...this was a really good session by Dean and Michael. I recommend it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Nice way to start the journey in to Kubernetes.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@saintdle : Good Session !
