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Support for Proxmox from Veeam has been one of the top requests in the last months. Therefore the announcement in May to extend the Hypervisor support to Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) has been long awaited! This will be the 7th virtualization platform supported by Veeam, in addition to the 3 cloud hyperscalers and the Veeam agents.

The Proxmox integration is currently planned for Q3 of 2024 and v1 will already include some nice features/benefits:

  • flexible storage options
  • immutable backups
  • granular recovery
  • cross-platform recovery (for example Proxmox <> VMware)
  • Veeam ‘standard’ performance with CBT, hot add backup and Bitlooker

In part 1 of this blog series I want to give a quick overview of the architecture of Veeam Backup for Proxmox and it’s initial setup.


Disclaimer: All information and screenshots in this blog post are based on an early access release. Until the final release changes can and will occur!



The Proxmox integration itself will be enabled with an additional plug-in, which is installed on the Veeam Backup Server.

Besides the Veeam Backup Server and at least a Backup Repository, Veeam Backup for Proxmox will utilize workers. The workers transfer the VM data from the Proxmox VE host to the backup repository; similar to the workers in AHV backup or the backup proxies for VMware. They are Linux based and can be deployed directly from the Veeam console. There should be at least one worker per host in order to utilize hot add transport mode.

Plug-in setup

Nothing special to write about the setup of the plug-in; next, next, finish.


Adding a Proxmox VE host

After installing the plug-in, Proxmox will be available as an additional server in the Virtual Infrastructure tab.


Directly after adding a new Proxmox host, you’ll get asked whether you want to deploy a worker.


Afterwards the Proxmox host including it’s VMs should be visible in the inventory.


Overall the setup and configuration of Veeam Backup for Proxmox isn’t complicated and is very straightforward. In the next blog post I will focus on backup & restore of Proxmox VMs, and also on the migration of workloads from VMware to Proxmox.

hi, it seems only the root account can be used. I tried without success an account with sudo right. Usually in production environment root account is not allowed to ssh, and sometimes password authentication is also disallowed.


Hey there,


currently getting the error “Failed to get HypervisorNetworko]. Method ‘GET /nodes/host/sdn/zones’ not implemented” when adding a Proxmox VE Worker. 

Any idea why this happens?


E: Running Proxmox 8.2.4


@erwan.quigna For now root access is required. I'm not sure if this was a Proxmox Limitation or will change in V2. 

@Bitcircuit Do you also have regular networks available or only SDN or OVS?

@erwan.quigna For now root access is required. I'm not sure if this was a Proxmox Limitation or will change in V2. 

@Bitcircuit Do you also have regular networks available or only SDN or OVS?


I have 2 regular linux bridges (vmbr0 and vmbr1). One for the WAN and one for the LAN Network. No OVS at all.


E: Network (eno1) is bridged to vmbr0. So not sure if you can define that as “regular network”

E²: eno1 / vmbr0 are configured with “Default Configuration using a Bridge”  from Proxmox Network Configuration Page. vmbr1 is just an empty Bridge for internal routing via firewall.


I get the following errors while creating worker. Operating systems on which I installed and tried VBR 12.2: server 2022, server 2016, windows 10
I'm having the same problem with all of them.
proxmox version 8.2.4. I used the root account when adding pve to the virtual infrastructure section and the addition was successful.But somehow worker doesn't work. What could it be caused by?

1.09.2024 02:02:30 Error Failed to deploy the worker VM: virtıo0: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
1.09.2024 02:02:30 Error Worker vbr-worker-pve test failed: virtıo0: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties

@Bitcircuit In that case it should work. The error looks like it comes from the Proxmox host, but maybe you can open a case and let our support look at it. 

@jashdahsdasdhg Same for your case, I would suggest to open a support case.

@Bitcircuit In that case it should work. The error looks like it comes from the Proxmox host, but maybe you can open a case and let our support look at it. 

@jashdahsdasdhg Same for your case, I would suggest to open a support case.

Well the Host is a clean Debian 12 Netinstall which has Proxmox installed according to their guide. So  i don’t see any issues there . Are there any logs stored on Veeam for the Proxmox Plugin to check out whats going on?


files are attached I tried it on Veeam Backup Community, I tried it on a trial license, and I still get the same error. Does proxmox need to be licensed?

If you attached log files Regnor was referring to creating a support case not here as this just the community not support.

Hi, I’m just testing… as far I see, Containers are not available to backup.. Is this funcionality planned?


I’m in the process of deploying the Veeam Worker on a Proxmox node, but it consistently fails with the same error. Have you encountered this error before, and do you have a solution?



I’m in the process of deploying the Veeam Worker on a Proxmox node, but it consistently fails with the same error. Have you encountered this error before, and do you have a solution?


Maybe you have MFA enabled on the user root?


I’m in the process of deploying the Veeam Worker on a Proxmox node, but it consistently fails with the same error. Have you encountered this error before, and do you have a solution?


Maybe you have MFA enabled on the user root?

Yes many have said that MFA causes issues and needs to be turned off.  Ensure it is off for Root or create another user without it to use.

Te TFA its none, but the same error

Te TFA its none, but the same error

Then I would suggest a Support ticket to get them to help you with this issue if you have checked all the pre-requisites.

thanks Chris, 

I'm currently working in a lab environment, so I can't open a support case right now. However, I plan to do the same for the customer later, and it should work for now.

thanks Chris, 

I'm currently working in a lab environment, so I can't open a support case right now. However, I plan to do the same for the customer later, and it should work for now.

Not a problem.  Let us know how you make out and what ends up fixing this for you.

There seems to be a difference in using Proxmox from the PVE Installer and using Proxmox as Debian 12 Installation via


Using the PVE Iso, i had no issue deploying Veeam and the according worker for it.

Is there a special reason why the workers getting shutdown after every job or just saving resources on the cluster? Is there a option to let them turned on? Starting the workers and waiting for them to contact the backup server is taking quite long. Taking backups of serveral hundred vms and terra bytes, every second counts in the night :-D  Besiedes that you guys did a greate job with the proxmox implementation. We waited for this!

Nice one Max, thanks for sharing!

@Bitcircuit Thank you very much for your feedback. Only Proxmox VE hosts installed via the image from Proxmox are supported. The helpcenter article regarding the System Requirements got updated:

@Freddy86 As you say it’s about saving resources, as the workers are only needed during the backup. How much time does it take for the worker to get active?



@regnor I just tested it. When starting a Backup and Veeam Console getting the worker ready until it says the worker was prepared successfully it took 6 minutes and 30 seconds. I our environment it takes between 11 and 13 minutes after starting a job until the first bytes are beeing transfered. 

I have the same problem. Are there people who claim that it is language related?


You have to disable the preallocation for the proxmox storage or make it us default

Est t-il possible de lancer des tâches de réplication Veeam des machine virtuelles sous PROXMOX-VE ??

@marouen labidi Sorry for answering in english, but for now replication isn’t available for Proxmox VE.

@Freddy86 If the preparation time for the worker takes too long, you could post your feedback in the R&D Forums. This way it might get changed in the next release:
