Tape 📼 Improvements in VBR v11 🔥

  • 26 November 2020

Userlevel 7
Badge +6
  • On the path to Greatness

When I thought the tape was forgotten :scream:...  Veeam brings us these improvements that I think are excellents! :nerd:


                                                   Tape 📼 Improvements

:red_circle: TAPE CLONING !!!


  • Allows us to Migrate from old LTO to newer tapes generations

  • Additional copy for security reasons


  • You can Copy from one drive to other drive via tape server
  • You can Modify database and link old backups with new tapes
  • You can Preserve link for old tapes
  • File parts are detected and prompt for additional tape


:raised_hand: Note:

Veeam can clone all Veeam tapes (B2T, F2T, NDMP), Veeam Can't do it for 3rd party tapes.



:diamonds: What you need to know :writing_hand:

  • Requires at least two drives
  • Restore selects automatically the needed tape if several copies exist
  • No scheduler (use PowerShell)
  • One media pool still does only allow one LTO generation


:white_check_mark:What do you think of this improvement?





Userlevel 7
Badge +17

This function was really missing up to now.

Fine that the tape support is still improved.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Isn’t it also possible to consolidate more tapes to less? for example a bunch of LTO-3 to a single LTO-9?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

You are right @vNote42 ,
something like a reclamation to combine the data from 2 or more tapes with a lower filling level to one tape would be nice.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

As a Pro-Tape guy, this feature brings joy to me! and thanks for covering it in detail.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

You are right @vNote42 ,
something like a reclamation to combine the data from 2 or more tapes with a lower filling level to one tape would be nice.

Joe, its there!

