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Need one good reason to attend VeeamOn this year ? I'll give you 6 !

  • 3 February 2024

Also this year you will be able to find me during VeeamOn. When I attent this one, I have been present at all editions organized so far. (Good memories on Vegas, Chicago, New Orleans, Miami,...)

The data resilience high mass will take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from June 3 to 5.

Are you still hesitating to attend? I will give you some good reasons to reserve a spot in your calendar.

Stay Informed and Updated

 VeeamOn provides a platform for attendees to stay informed about the latest developments, updates, and innovations in backup, recovery, and data management technologies. This includes insights into Veeam's products and services, as well as broader trends and best practices in the industry. Attending keynotes, sessions, and workshops can help professionals stay ahead of the curve in their knowledge and skills. Things do move in hypervisor land. How will Broadcom - VMWare evolve ? This will certainly have an impact on how we organize our backups on the different platforms. Will Veeam support other hypervisors? You will certainly get an explanation on VeeamOn



Networking Opportunities

Conferences like VeeamOn bring together professionals, experts, and industry leaders in the field of data management. Networking opportunities abound, allowing attendees to connect with peers, potential partners, and Veeam representatives. These connections can lead to valuable collaborations, knowledge-sharing, and potential business opportunities.

Skill Development and Training

VeeamOn often includes hands-on labs, training sessions, and workshops that provide attendees with practical skills and knowledge. Whether you are an IT professional, administrator, or a decision-maker in your organization, these training opportunities can enhance your proficiency in using Veeam's solutions and managing data effectively. I always couple a Veeam training with it if possible. If you want your certification for a VMCE or VMCA this is the perfect time. A few days before the actual event, the instructors will already fully immerse you in all the knowledge you need to obtain your certification.


Engage with the Veeam Community

VeeamOn provides a unique opportunity to engage with the Veeam community, including Veeam Vanguards and Veeam Legends and MVP’s. These community members are recognized for their expertise, contributions, and advocacy for Veeam solutions. Attending the conference allows you to interact with these influential individuals, gaining insights from their experiences, and building connections that extend beyond the event.


See me as een speaker 🤞 (TBC)

First time this year, i've submitted a session for VeeamOn. The working title is "The Veeam Alphabet"  This talk promises an interactive session about Veeam functionality. Attending the conference offers you a unique platform to showcase your expertise. Presenting your knowledge and insights allows you to contribute to the community's collective understanding of Veeam's solutions. Engaging with fellow attendees during your session provides an opportunity to share practical tips, answer questions, and foster meaningful discussions. Fingers crossed to see if my session will be selected…



See us receiving an award 🤞🤞 (TBC)

Also this year, the VIAs, or the Veeam innovation Awards, will be handed out during VeeamOn.

This year there is also an award in the platform category with our white labelled M365 backup management platform we’ve candidated for this category.

If our project is selected, it could be recognized as an innovative solution within the Veeam ecosystem. Attending the conference gives you the chance to attend our showcase. We strongly hope to be selected and perhaps win in this category. This means greater name recognition for Cherriis outside of single Europe and may lead to potential partnerships, collaborations, and increased visibility within the industry.

So fingers double crossed on this one...

In summary, attending VeeamOn provides a platform not only to learn from others but also to share your own expertise and innovative projects. It's an opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, receive feedback on your initiatives, and contribute to the collective growth and knowledge exchange within the Veeam community.



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Great writeup @kristofpoppe !!

All good reasons to attend VeeamON. Good luck with your session and innovation award 🙏🏻 Hope to be there myself.


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Great summary and definitely all great reasons to attend the best conference of the year.  Hoping to be there as a speaker or through my company. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @kristofpoppe ! Thanks for sharing, VeeamOn will be a great event as usual! 👏🏻

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Love this one, @kristofpoppe !
