Issue to update postgre SQL on hardened VBR

  • 23 February 2024

Userlevel 6
Badge +4


Today I try to update Postgre SQL and when I execute the installer, I got the error : prerunscript.command.line.error

I go to the log file on path : c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\2 and find file "installbuilder_installer.log" 
It contains the reason : Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled on This Machine. Contact Your Administrator for Details

This happens because I follow the Veeam recommendation about hardening the server -> Disable VBS.

So, to update postgreSQL, first, it's needed to update the registry key at : 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings
Enabled should be updated to 1

No reboot is required, just need to execute again the postgreSQL setup again and after the installation complete, update the value back to 0.

I create this topic because I think this could be mentionned somewhere on the documentation / forum / here. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Appreciate the insight @damien commenge , and what you did to resolve the issue. Will I'm sure benefit others. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

That’s interessting because part of Best Practice Analyzer is to disable the windows script host. Also the script provided here will set this value to 0.



Userlevel 7
Badge +21

That is funny you have to reverse a recommendation to upgrade PostgreSQL but glad you posted this.  Thanks for the share Damien.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

That’s interessting because part of Best Practice Analyzer is to disable the windows script host. Also the script provided here will set this value to 0.



Yes, I mentioned it here ^^ :

This happens because I follow the Veeam recommendation about hardening the server -> Disable VBS.


But on the other way, Veeam canot manage how third party app works…. And when you have to install/update PostgreSQL at start, there is a VBS script running to check is prerequesites are met.
I totally ignore how PostgreSQL work, I just face an issue on this morning and tried to find why it hapened. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thank you ver much @damien commenge for sharing your experience with us!
