Hello Community!
For years, I have been Looking for the Perfect Dashboard, using different technologies and approaches, which includes Veeam ONE, Elastic, Splunk, and Grafana. All the mentioned technologies are great for deep visibility, log inspection, capacity planning, etc.
But as Veeam has been moving into the right direction of including RESTful API on all products, I finally decided myself to use a combination of Bash Shell Script, InfluxDB, and Grafana.
Here it is myself with a Grafana t-shirt I made, on the example monitoring Veeam :)

How does all of this looks like?
So, if you are wondering how all of this might look, it is indeed quite easy, so on the left we have all sort of Veeam Products, with their RESTful API, in this case:
- Veeam Enterprise Manager - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/rest/overview.html?ver=100
- Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbo365/rest/overview.html?ver=40
- Veeam Backup for Azure - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbazure/rest/api_reference.html?ver=10
- Veeam Backup for AWS - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbaws/rest/rest_api_reference.html?ver=20
- Veeam Service Provider Console - https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vac/rest/vspc_rest_api_reference.html?ver=40
Then we capture all with different bash shell scripts, one per product, save them to InfluxDB, and finally we visualize all that data with Grafana. Pretty neat isn’t?

What I usually need to get this up and running?
Now we understand the diagram, concept, and data flow. We will need:
- The Veeam product we want to monitor, with proper license when required (Enterprise Manager requires Enterprise Plus or VUL), and the RESTful API enabled whenever required as well.
- Download the Bash Shell Script for the Veeam product you want to monitor, luckily they can all be found here - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana
- Finally, you will need a small VM, either on-prem, or in the Cloud, with InfluxDB, and Grafana installed and running.
Veeam Grafana Dashboards ready-to-consume
As said, I have been working on this way of extracting data, and making it gorgeous, yet useful Dashboards, you can find them on the VeeamHub, but I want to show them over here so you can quickly watch them, and hopefully you find some ideas and inspiration:
Veeam Enterprise Manager
A great dashboard that ingests all the data from Enterprise Manager RESTful API. Download it here - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana/tree/master/veeam-enterprise_manager-grafana

Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365
A great dashboard that ingests all the data from VBO RESTful API. Download it here - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana/tree/master/veeam-backup-for-office365-grafana

Veeam Backup for Azure
A great dashboard that ingests all the data from VBA Azure RESTful API. Download it here - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana/tree/master/veeam-backup-microsoft-azure-grafana

Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV
An interesting Dashboard that looks at the RESTful API from VAN, extracts data, and finally you can see something like this - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana/tree/master/veeam_backup_nutanix_ahv-grafana

Veeam XFS/ReFS fast-clone Disk savings
By now, you must have heard about the good things ReFS can brings to your backups, and backup repository disk space, so this Dashboard would try to give some light to this disk savings - https://github.com/VeeamHub/grafana/tree/master/veeam-fastclone-stats

That’s it for today. Happy to gather some more feedback, add ideas into this, etc. Please keep the line open.