Did you know you can easily schedule your disaster recovery tests to run with Veeam Availability Orchestrator?
Orchestrator’s Lab Calendar makes it simple to run a DR test on a scheduled basis whenever you want - like on #DRTestTuesday.

The best part of course, is being able to provide a copy of a production environment to your application owners when after the test has run.
Just think of what you can do with a copy of your data - test patches and application upgrades, train new staff members, and do all of the testing you would never want to do in a live environment.
Be sure to check out how easy it is to do right in the Orchestrator documentation.
If you’re looking for the ultimate deep dive on everything testing (including running a DR test on demand and scheduling one in the Lab Calendar) in Orchestrator, don’t miss this great webinar which is nearly 100% demo (no boring PowerPoints from me!) and tackles Orchestrator’s amazing dynamic documentation as well.
As part of every DR test you can also get a handy report right to your inbox that shows you clearly if you’re meeting your RTOs and RPOs, which of course you are because you’re testing so often .

Ready to get started with the easy button for your disaster recovery planning and execution? Don’t forget to download a 30 day free trial and let me know how it goes!