Beware podiums when speaking :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi Folks,


Next in my “Beware” series 😂.. Beware of podiums. Why? Because podiums are generally slanted. So if you have practiced your presentation over and over again at your desk, and your presentation involves CLI work (think Kubernetes Kubeclt or K if you using aliases) then you will be entering a world of fun since you fingers are used to typing on a keyboard that is flat and not slanted. I got used to it but I was nevertheless struck by shame. The typos were flowing and I could just hear the audience whispering, “wow this person can’t type, and he is too old too blame the cell phone thumb typing condition like all of the younger generation do”.  My poor High School Grade 10 typing teacher would be heart broken. She disliked me so much for goofing off in class that she would force me to stay after and finish the tasks which in turn massively improved my typing skills. 

However, when doing live presentations in front of people, no matter how badly you mess up (be it typing, or lousy slides etc) remember to laugh confidently and brush it off, people get hypnotized by confidence, even if it is of a feigned form, at least I hope so. Also it would help to actually attend the “check your speaking environment out” event to see if there are any surprises lurking ahead of you, like slanted podiums. 

Kubehuddle 2023 Toronto yesterday:



Userlevel 7
Badge +21

This is definitely great advice.  I will be speaking more for my work soon and will ensure to practice at a slanted podium.  😋🤣

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I wish I could blame it on a podium! Whenever I screen share or just have to multi-task my typing starts to descend into a maddening level of typos.


Btw looking sharp there, and looking like you’re loving it! 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hah...something I’ve never thought of.  Perhaps stick a bottle, dryboard eraser...whatever you can find under the front of your laptop to prop it up as much as you can.  😁
