Behind the scenes of VeeamON Resiliency Summit

Behind the scenes of VeeamON Resiliency Summit

Behind the scenes of VeeamON Resiliency Summit
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Across the company, we’ve been working for the upcoming VeeamON Resiliency Summit. This online event will serve a number of objectives:

  • A comprehensive view of Veeam cybersecurity capabilities and strategies in the market
  • The latest look at Veeam Data Platform capabilities
  • Expert perspectives from leading cybersecurity experts and customers

That’s a lot. What I thought I would do for the community here is share some our insights and tricks that go on behind the scenes. Whether we are preparing for the flagship VeeamON event, a regional VeeamON Tour or this latest iteration with the VeeamON Resiliency Summit; a lot goes into a cross-functional team’s approach.

I had the opportunity to contribute to the event in a few ways, and I made the case that there should be an ‘All Demo’ session on the release of the Veeam Data Platform. This version 12.1 release in the product is incredible. Further I need to say, 2023 is an incredible year for Veeam Products. With V12 being released in February and now this quarter we’ll have another update! It’s a great time to be using Veeam. Which reminds me, if you’ve not upgraded to V12 - do it now! Check out the upgrade center:

We had some time constraints to work with, such as 3-minute demos for example in the keynote. This helped me make the case of a breakout going “All Demo” on 12.1. Emilee and I got the task and had some fun with it. And I should also say that after the VeeamON Resiliency Summit broadcasts, I’m going to feature a new demo of V12.1 (Veeam ONE and Veeam Backup & Replication in particular) in each Veeam Community Recap post (starting next week!) until General Availability and probably a little more after that. So stay tuned!

What goes into the product and technical side of demoing new products?

This event was held to the highest standards by my team. We treat it like VeeamON Mainstage Demos and wanted to bring our best. I had the chance to poll some of my team members who are involved with VeeamON Resiliency Summit to share some of their secrets to task of doing a demo of these profile events.

When we do these types of events, we put a lot into the production quality. The studio partners we secure are FANTASTIC. It’s crazy to say, but for every hour of screen time there is literally 5+ hours of preparation, multiple takes and more. That’s not even accounting what the video and audio teams put in with editing! Emilee likes to say, these days are the best days. Here’s a view from behind the scenes during a recording session we’ve done:

Rickatron point of view

I work hard to use Zoomit a lot. It’s a Windows SysInternals Tool and I put it on our templates in our lab and am a big fan. It’s really helpful for showing areas of focus and getting the view/resolution right. More specifically, I use it effectively daily and in the community recaps to keep practicing!

Kirsten Stoner @kirststoner12  point of view

Kirsten likes to say, “Practice demo so its cohesive on camera and I ensure I properly communicate the benefits of using the new features.” So polished! Rock on KS!

Michael Cade @michaelcade  point of view:

Michael likes to go in rough and tough: “I have 2 espressos and no food before presenting” Funny, I make a rule not to drink anything carbonated before!

Emilee Tellez @ertelle1  point of view:

Emilee says that her trick is to “do it live” every time. It makes it more natural vs scripted. True story, the session we are doing on the demos A-Z with the Veeam Data Platform, we didn’t practice together. It’s not organic if we over practice and script!

Three things you must see at VeeamON Resiliency Summit

This is a little bit of what goes into making this event spectacular. Here are my 3 things you must see at the VeeamON Resiliency Summit:

  • Opening Keynote | Data resilience for the future cyberthreat landscape: This keynote is a great summary of what’s going on with Veeam and the latest cybersecurity advice from industry experts.
  • Veeam Data Platform 23H2 Update A-Z: This session is ALL-DEMO!!! One trick also here is if you don’t have slides the approval process is much easier 😊
  • 10 Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Security Tips: This session will give some cybersecurity-focused tips for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365. This is Veeam’s 2nd largest product, we’re protecting over 17 million mailboxes!

If you haven’t signed up - please do so now and join us on 24-October!


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A very interesting perspective from behind the scenes Rick.  Already signed up and looking forward to the event.

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Looking forward to this “Summit”! Appreciate sharing you all’s ‘behind-the-scenes’ perspective. Interestingly, I was fortunate enough to hear some of Kirsten’s thoughts directly (and see the studio) when I visited a couple wks ago! 😊

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Nice summit event. Registered it.

Thanks @Rick Vanover 

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Rickatron point of view

Emilee Tellez @ertelle1  point of view:

Emilee says that her trick is to “do it live” every time. It makes it more natural vs scripted. True story, the session we are doing on the demos A-Z with the Veeam Data Platform, we didn’t practice together. It’s not organic if we over practice and script!


I’m more in Emilee’s camp.  I like to read through the material a few times and make sure I know the points, but my presentations are rarely rehearsed.  They do tend to be more authentic that way, and I like to have more of a conversation that a presentation.

Either way, looking forward to this!

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I guess this is the renamed “Veeam UPdate” event. I have fond memories of that since that was when I won the Veeam Shoes and got roasted by the comic doing the event calling me “caveman”!! 😁

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That is correct @Geoff Lowe  → This is the artist formerly known as VeeamON Update or VeeamON Virtual. We intentionally have adjusted the format, the name, the scope of the second half of the year VeeamON ‘franchise’ product for an online experience.

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That is correct @Geoff Lowe  → This is the artist formerly known as VeeamON Update or VeeamON Virtual. We intentionally have adjusted the format, the name, the scope of the second half of the year VeeamON ‘franchise’ product for an online experience.

I think that might be another Geoff 😁. Or was the the comedian’s name?

Well I am not complaining, my name was put in lights and one never knows where that might lead one too. The key is patience and practice 😎


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Wow, this is so cool,

I’ve registered already 😎, thank you @Rick Vanover  

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That is correct @Geoff Lowe  → This is the artist formerly known as VeeamON Update or VeeamON Virtual. We intentionally have adjusted the format, the name, the scope of the second half of the year VeeamON ‘franchise’ product for an online experience.

I think that might be another Geoff 😁. Or was the the comedian’s name?

Well I am not complaining, my name was put in lights and one never knows where that might lead one too. The key is patience and practice 😎


HAHAHA yes, wrong Geoff :)

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I’m really looking forward to this event. That’s for a peek behind the scenes @Rick Vanover Just goes to show how much preparation and hard work goes into these events.

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Cool to hear what goes on behind the scenes. I always enjoy that type of stuff. I have a friend who films documentaries and he said for every hour of shooting he gets 1 minute of footage in a 1 hour show/movie. That doesn’t even involve the editing. He interviewed me for one and after an hour of sitting in front of the camera I think he used about 20 seconds of my footage. 

As someone who creates content for YouTube editing my own videos and doing some audio production for my bands, I can appreciate how much time and effort go on behind the scenes that no one usually sees.

I always become hyper aware when there is a camera pointed at me and stumble on my words or make mistakes. Practicing talking Infront of a camera is a skill of t’s own I’m still trying to get better at. 

