An overview of VeeamON Miami 2023 by Julia F Morgado

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I had to share this - I really enjoyed watching it, @Julia F Morgado ! It got me back to that moment! 

And many of the V100 members are included in the story! Great job! 👏


Userlevel 7
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This was a great video that @Julia F Morgado put together.  Very well done indeed!!

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Yep...I saw this on Twitter. She did a great job!

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So great to see all the things back! Thank you for doing this @Julia F Morgado

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"The story you are about to see is true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent." The character playing Geoff and claiming to be doing a 101 “add a repository” Lab for swag points is in fact a famous Holyrood actor and no easy lab was in fact performed. The real Geoff was somewhere else at the time hard at work trying to decipher @benyoung ‘s api code 


Userlevel 7
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Great Video Julia! :) 

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"The story you are about to see is true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent." The character playing Geoff and claiming to be doing a 101 “add a repository” for swag points is in fact a famous Holyrood actor. The real Geoff was somewhere else at the time hard at work trying to decipher @benyoung ‘s api code 


I heard this and it cracked me up! @Geoff Burke loves swags a lot -:)

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Yes purely done for temporary entertainment value. Back home on the job while under managerial surveillance I am serious and humorless, you won’t see a smile on my face from 9 to 5 😁 unless statutory holiday etc. In my youth I was accused of being frivolous and overly adventurous. Luckily now I am an arduous pursuer of Lab fame and stardom despite the mental toll that such a burden bringeth!  

Userlevel 7
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What a great vLog!  Thanks for sharing this!

Userlevel 7
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Great VLOG entry!  Thanks for sharing.

Userlevel 5
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great impression of Veeamon2023. Thanks for sharing
