Canada VUG - Next Online Event - Possible Topics

Userlevel 7
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While I am waiting to hear back on possible dates for the next VUG Canada, I thought I would start a topic on seeing what everyone would like presented during the session?

Some things could be -

  1. VBR v12 - what is coming and new enhancements
  2. VBM365 - anything related here if there is interest
  3. VONE - possible to talk about VONE topics?
  4. Anything else you can think of or want to request

Let me know as we can get guest speakers for certain topics and the like.  Look forward to nailing down a date and topics for another great VUG.





Userlevel 7
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How about Veeam University?  Who doesn’t like to learn?


Absolutely we can review this and what it is about for sure.

Userlevel 4

How about Veeam University?  Who doesn’t like to learn?


Userlevel 7
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first of all, I would love to assist, in person would be awesome, but I dont have the time and budget for it! (Any sponsor reading this?)
I think topic 1, 2 and 3 are the core, importance is maximum, and adding something, Im very interested in cost efective deduplicated storage, integrated with veeam, to store my long retention copies, cloud backup providers / solutions, to have an outside copy (immutable, etc.) and then eveybody is talking now about TAPES, tape backup.
hopefully helps buddy.

Thanks I will add these things to my list for sure as some topics to come up with.  Any little bit helps as I don’t want to make it one-sided.  LOL

first of all, I would love to assist, in person would be awesome, but I dont have the time and budget for it! (Any sponsor reading this?)
I think topic 1, 2 and 3 are the core, importance is maximum, and adding something, Im very interested in cost efective deduplicated storage, integrated with veeam, to store my long retention copies, cloud backup providers / solutions, to have an outside copy (immutable, etc.) and then eveybody is talking now about TAPES, tape backup.
hopefully helps buddy.

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Anyone have topic suggestions?  Feel free to reply here or DM me if you prefer.
