Welcome to the first class of Veeam Legends 2023!

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Userlevel 7
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Is it possible that Hin Tang has two accounts and that you have linked the inactive account @hinmeister416 in this post?

@HangTen416 seems to be the active account...

Userlevel 7
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Congrats to everyone new and renewed for the first class of 2023.




Userlevel 7
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Welcome to the Legends to all the new folks, and thank you @Rick Vanover @Madi.Cristil @NikolaPejkova and @safiya for choosing to renew me. So happy to be a part of the great Veeam100 & Legends community!


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Wow what an honor again to be accepted. Looking forward to a great 2023 and more things to come. Thank you to @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @NikolaPejkova and @safiya for all the hard work with the community.  Congrats everyone that made it for this class. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Can this week get any better?😃

Thanks for renewing my Legends status again!@Madi.Cristil@NikolaPejkova@Rick Vanover@safiya And congratulations to all new and renewed Legends!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

What a surprise!

Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil@safiya@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova

I’m so exited to belong to the Legends for the first time!! 😁😍
Also Congrats to all the new and renewed Legends!!


Awesome to have you, @HunterLAFR !😊

Userlevel 7
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Thank you @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya and @NikolaPejkova 

I am honored to be invited to the Legends group

Great to have you , @mkevenaar !😊

Userlevel 7
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What a surprise this morning in my mailbox, one day after my birthday 😄!
I very honored to integrate the #VeeamLegend family.
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil@safiya@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova
👏Congrats to everyone!


Good job, @Stabz ! 😊 And happy birthday!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Wow, unexpected …but most welcome


thank you for the opportunity @Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova 

Lovely to have you! 😊

Userlevel 7
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What a surprise this morning in my mailbox, one day after my birthday 😄!
I very honored to integrate the #VeeamLegend family.
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil@safiya@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova
👏Congrats to everyone!


Userlevel 4
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Congrats, everyone!  Great to see such an awesome group of talented folks awarded for their efforts. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Wow, unexpected …but most welcome


thank you for the opportunity @Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova 

Userlevel 7
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Congrats to everyone … very well deserved

Userlevel 7
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Congrats guys!!

I hope someday to be part of this elite group of Veeam lovers!! 💚

We are going to be happy to have you join the program 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Congrats guys!!

I hope someday to be part of this elite group of Veeam lovers!! 💚

Userlevel 7
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Thank you@Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover, &@NikolaPejkova for the renewal. I am glad to be part of this program again.

Welcome to all new members and hello again to all “old” members. And I hope to see all on community hub who did not make it back in the program.

Userlevel 7
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Thank you @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya and @NikolaPejkova 

I am honored to be invited to the Legends group

Userlevel 7
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What a surprise!

Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil@safiya@Rick Vanover@NikolaPejkova

I’m so exited to belong to the Legends for the first time!! 😁😍
Also Congrats to all the new and renewed Legends!!


Userlevel 7
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Thank you @Rick Vanover @Madi.Cristil @safiya and @NikolaPejkova for this opportunity! You guys are amazing! What a privilege! 

Userlevel 7
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Woohoo! What a week!


Thank you @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, & @NikolaPejkova 🥳


Welcome to all the new Veeam Legends and great to see so many returning 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Thank you!

Such an honour to be a part of this awesome community. Congratulations to everyone who got renewed and to everyone joining, Welcome! Looking forward to working with you all!


In my excitement I forgot to tag in everyone @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya @NikolaPejkova 

Thank you :) 
