Very Important Conference Information, always bring warm clothes to hot places :)

Userlevel 7
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Being from the Great White North (Canada) there is a tendency to have some bravado when in Southern Places when it comes to what they think cold is when outside or vis a vis water temperature at the Sea. Be it VeeamON in Miami or L.A. Kubecon 2021 if it gets even a bit chilly then they bundle up here in sweaters. But BEWARE!!! they love air-conditioning in these southern climates and will freeze out the strongest resident of even the North Pole!! Luckily I brought my Veeam Legend Hoodie with me and as I sit typing here I see a fellow across the hall who dressed for the beach and is now suffering. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Come on, you should be used to cold temperatures!  :rofl:


that was for like 30 seconds 🙂 albeit 10 times. They had sauna on the top of the hill. You would go in there then run out and jump in, then run back. The worst part believe it or not was walking and running on the snow and ice, it felt like your feet were burning. Mind you in life you get used to everything, ice water, snow, heat, managers, auditors, you just have to practice expanding your tolerance :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Come on, you should be used to cold temperatures!  :rofl:


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

I thought it was just Texas that favored refrigeration over air conditioning!
