#100DaysOfKubernetes Challenge

Userlevel 5
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You’ve probably seen these #100daysofX on twitter and other social medias. There is actually one for Kubernetes too… surprise surprise. Here is the twitter thread of one of the community members who kicked this off some time ago:



So I thought I’d highlight it here, drum up some support if anyone is interested.

I started this earlier in the year but then trailed off. As I missed updates per day and then fell behind. So now I’ve decided I’ll relaunch and I’ll just post updates for each “Day” listed, as and when I have them. So my 100 days will be spread out over a longer period, more like a 100 updates over the year!


It’s really easy to get started. Find somewhere to post your updates, and when you post your updates use the hashtag on socials and wherever else you would like! It’s that simple.


The obvious places to start would be using GitHub for tracking your effort. You can fork this repo, to get you started. And post on twitter (or others) with the hashtag as you add your updates.

A full getting started guide is here:

On this website you also have the ability to contribute to a wider community led effort of tutorials as well. There is already some excellent ones there.





Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Very interesting project and will check it out.

Userlevel 2

Great project!
