
Logical Backup for RabbitMQ

Userlevel 3

Hello everyone,

we need configure a backup policy for RabbitMQ and define a logical backup for application consistency. I looking for an example kanister blueprint, similar at those available in Kasten documentation for Postgress, Mongo and so on. Even in kanister github repository I can’t find nothing about it.

Some one can help me ?




Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I am not a RabbitMQ expert and could be wrong but I believe you want to mainly get /var/lib/rabbitmq/definitions.file.json then stop the daemon, do the backup then start it again?


You could try creating one by following the structure in the examples for other services. I have never done this myself so just an idea.

I also could not find any examples of a blueprint. Maybe K10 support will have one. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hello @LucaDM 

Thank you for using our K10 community.

Blueprint's templates can be found at

There is no blueprint for RabbitMQ at the moment, you could try building your own blueprint using other blueprint templates as a base, adding the steps you need to make the backup, i.e.  scale down deployment, backup PVC and scale up, or any other actions needed in your case.

Also you can try a request via Github issue to get some guidance if you need some help with your blueprint.

Hope it helps
