
Blueprint sample/template repo?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi I have looked around but apart from the Kanister repo I have not been able to find a location with a bunch of blueprint examples for various different applications. It would be nice if people could also submit their own. Does such a repo exist anywhere? I have had some new users ask about this as well. There are the ones on the kasten-io site but some of those don’t work anymore. In one case the container name has now changed in the helm chart. 


Best answer by michaelcade 26 April 2023, 20:31

View original


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

In fact I can put it in the K10 group. I had a chance to quickly spin up now in rancher desktop


Userlevel 7
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By the way if you are using the Bitnami charts with the csi-hostpath-sc then be sure to add this to your helm install command --set volumePermissions.enabled=true.

Userlevel 7
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ok let me take a look. I believe it was postgresql hooks app aware, the error said that it could not find the container with name postgres-postgresql, when you describe the pod you see the container now has a another name. Also a problem with the secret I believe too. Let me run through it again tonight and I will save the logs etc. Right now I am doing some good old fashion fast Storage Snapshots action for VM’s.. (new job, new fun hardware!)

Userlevel 7
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Hey Geoff, you can submit community blueprints for Kanister via a PR on the Kanister GitHub. 

as for K10 docs, please highlight the ones that are not working anymore as these are the supported blueprints and anything in docs should be fully supported and working. They are also part of our pipelines before each release. 
