VUG Italy

Userlevel 7
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Good morning to all,

I don’t see VUG Italy group…

We can start ??

I’m disposable !


Userlevel 7
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VUG Italiy sorry !


Userlevel 7
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Hi @MarcoLuvisi, I have updated term to VUG so there is no misunderstanding on topic :blush:

Let me also add @DChiavari into this conversation!


Userlevel 7
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Hi @Kseniya glad to hear from you again !

I see missing VUG Italy why ??

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Hello @MarcoLuvisi! (and thanks @Kseniya)

The Italian VUG is currently in “maintenance mode” :grin:  as we “scale out” (see what I did there?).

If you’re interested in contributing - and I understand you are - let’s chat. I’ll contact you in the next days. 



Userlevel 7
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@DChiavari I think the knowledge it’s the key of our work !

Userlevel 7
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@DChiavari I think the knowledge it’s the key of our work !

approved Italy rulez ;)

Userlevel 5
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Can’t wait for VUG Italy to come alive!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @MarcoLuvisi@Link State and @DavideAbrigo,


I and @DChiavari are happy to let you know that we just created a VUG Italy group! :sparkles:


Please, join, start discussions and invite your peers! :blush:

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi guys good joob!

Userlevel 7
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I asked to start an italian VUG 2 years ago…. if starts… here we go!!!! 


Userlevel 7
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perchè scriviamo in inglese sul VUG italiano ? :joy::rofl:

Userlevel 7
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perchè scriviamo in inglese sul VUG italiano ? :joy::rofl:


Please, write Italiano! :sweat_smile: VUG is here:  
