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VM backup Failure to StoreOnce

Hi Team,


My customer has a setup for StoreOnce (3660 with Firmware 4.3.7) and Veeam (12) configured with Veeam Standard license.

Scenario 1:

Customer tried to take a VM backup to one of a catalyst store which failed due to licensing issue in the logs. However, I did not get any documentation mentioning Veeam standard edition doesn’t support catalyst stores. As per Catalyst store configuration I double checked and its as per HPE standards.


“Backup to HPE StoreOnce Catalyst requires valid enterprise edition of Veeam Backup and replication.”


Scenario 2:

Customer tried to back up the same test VM on StoreOnce NAS share and that passed successfully.



  • Could you share me any documentation which says the Veeam standard edition does not support StoreOnce catalyst store?
  • Are there any changes in Veeam that needs to be done to support the above


Below are the backup logs captured? 






I remember reading that in v12 you needed Enterprise or higher licensing to work with Storeonce.

Also please remove the links to the logs from the community as we are not Technical Support, and this is something that should not be shared here.  The Forums are the place to share those with a Support case.

Integration of deduplication appliances is not included in the Standard edition. You can lookup the differences between the editions in the following document:

This is why you can't access the StoreOnce via Catalyst protocol. SMB access is possible but this is not recommended.

As @Chris.Childerhose said, please remove the links to your logs and delete them if possible. Those could contain sensitive information.

I’m almost sure this changed on v12:

@wesmrt Catalyst Copy support has been released with V12. Support for deduplication appliances in general has been an Enterprise feature before.


@Madi.Cristil or @safiya -- can either of you remove the links and login details to the logs in the OP.  That should not be posted here as we have noted.

Apologies I was not aware, will take a note from the next time.

Thanks everyone for the prompt response, really helped me.


No problem be sure to select a post that helped you answer your inquiry for others to see.
