VeeamPN has been discontinued!

Userlevel 7
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Hey everyone,


Was browsing the R&D forums (I know, I’m a traitor!), and discovered this post from Gostev announcing the end of VeeamPN!


This caught me by surprise as I felt like more noise would’ve been made around it, maybe I was one of the only people that used it, but I remember once dealing with a managed network that was refusing to integrate additional routes to perform SureReplica at a remote site, so I used VeeamPN to create a tunnel between the sites and create my own route that way! 😆


So long VeeamPN, you were awesome. 🍻


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Interesting but never used it.  So long VeeamPN.

Userlevel 7
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Oh! Had it for some time on my list of things to look at in more detail. Thanks for sharing your finding.

Userlevel 7
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I never used it but it was definitely one of those tools to have in the bag.

Userlevel 7
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At one point thought this was going included in DR.

Userlevel 7
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Oh that’s very sad, 
for me was a great tool, I used to connect a remote site, and also as a backup VPN for IT Staff, it was common to run out of VPN licenses.

Userlevel 4
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Shame, used to use that a lot back in the day with Ravello (remember Ravello?) It was a nice wrapper around Wireguard with a straight forward GUI. 

Back to the CLI it is then 😀

Userlevel 7
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looking to switch to 

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?

Userlevel 7
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I’ve been using OpenVPN appliance from TurnKey Linux
or Wireguard Virtual Appliance also from TurnKey Linux


Userlevel 7
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Cloudflare Access could be another option although I have not tried it. 

Userlevel 7
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@ghost_ale I’ve quite liked the Soft Ether project when I need to spin up a VPN on Windows. Otherwise a good ol’ fashioned pfsense VM always comes in handy.

Userlevel 6
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I used it for a while for the lab and it was nice, but I ended up moving to the VPN built into my router. Easier to manage, and still accessible if something went wrong in the lab (the VeeamPN server was a VM in said lab).

Userlevel 7
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looking to switch to 

It reminds me a lot the old Logmein service!

allowing you to build a “local” net over the internet.

we used it for free to play LAN games over the internet, like Age Of Empires or Unreal / Counter Strike.

Im testing it in my lab, and looks pretty good!


We are using VeeamPN for many years, and are very happy users of. Now we tried to do a migration of the product to new operating system and found out this webpage. What a pity it does not live anymore

Userlevel 7
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I never really tried it. 


Don’t feel bad about the R&D forums. We can be members in both places 😀

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?


check out pfsense or opensense


