
Veeam Licence? What is better to buy?

Userlevel 4

Hello Everybody, i’am new……...i need to buy the god licence for my new backup.

I habe 45VM wand more or less 15TB backup stuff…….what you mean better to buy a Essential Licence or a Advanced. (i will use also Veem One).

The Veeam funtionallity for Essential are the same as Advanced?

I have only Hyper-V VM onprimise, but in 3 yeas maybe we go to Azure, so i think better VUL Licence and not Core.


Thank for the help


Thank a lot



Userlevel 7
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Essential gives you smaller licensing increments you can purchase within, but has a limit of 50 workloads before you migrate to advanced. IIRC Essentials is 5 packs and “normal” Advanced is 10 packs you purchase in these volumes

Userlevel 7
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You can use this to calculate license costs -

Also if you are looking to use VONE this becomes available in the Advanced and higher license as per here -

Hope this helps with your decision.

Userlevel 4

I buy Essential for 1 year and in 6 month can i change to Advanced? without lost my money? 

And Essential have any limitation vs Advanced? Is the only difference/limitation the 50VM limit?

Userlevel 7
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I’d discuss that with your account manager RE pricing as that’s a commercial conversation. But there’s no functionality differences between essentials vs “full” just the feature levels

Userlevel 7
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Hi @alfred.lerch  …. @MicoolPaul is correct about the 50 licenses. Veeam actually increased it from 30 from a few yrs ago, so a great deal for Small Biz’s. But, as you have 45 VMs, you wouldn’t have too much ‘wiggle room’ for growth. Here is the link to the Essentials info. You should be able to change to Advanced simply by installing an Advanced license without issue.

Userlevel 7
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Yeah, since you’re pretty much right at the limit for Essentials, unless you’re sure your workloads isn’t going to increase, I’d go with 5 10-pack licenses of Advanced.  This gives you some room to grow and makes it easier to go beyond that 50 workload limitation of Essentials.

Userlevel 4

Hello @dloseke,
today a have 45VM and i will to backup all us this, and also have a Job for the replication of all of this. so for the licence i need to coutn 45 or 45+45=90 becausa a have the replicatin workload? Or a coutn only the VM?

Thanks a lot

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hello @dloseke,
today a have 45VM and i will to backup all us this, and also have a Job for the replication of all of this. so for the licence i need to coutn 45 or 45+45=90 becausa a have the replicatin workload? Or a coutn only the VM?

Thanks a lot


It is licensed per workload (VM)...doesn’t matter what you do with it.  So 45 is 45 regardless of if it’s a backup, replica, etc.  

Userlevel 7
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Essentials is limited up to 50 workloads ( instances / VMs) then more than 50 you will need to upgrade to Veeam Availability Suite or Advanced, but includes Veeam One, however Advanced is the same as Essentials but there is no limit for the number of protected instances.
