
Unable to add RHEL 8 installation (physical machine) as Linux hardened repository.

  • 6 December 2023

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi All,

required your help on this issue.
We are trying to add a RHEL 8 installation (physical machine) as Linux hardened repository.
It fails with error - Veeam transport installation fails on Linux repository. There no ports block or firewall blocking
We are working per article, but any other leads  .




Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi, can you copy the full error for the “connecting to Veeam installer service on server” please?


I’d also suggest getting the logs from the Linux server itself, IIRC these are stored at /var/log/VeeamBackup


Let’s start from here

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


Rescan also fails with error message  

Refresh Linux host failed Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Failed to rescan repository Error: SSH credentials are not set for the host 
Host discovery failed

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Thanks can you provide the full messages for the other errors on the installer please? And can you browse those log files I mentioned for the installation logs?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hello, you mention the kb 4250  are you running an hardened OS? What about fapolicy?

Did you set temporary unsecure umask as 022 as suggested on the kb?

Please run telnet ou nc tcp cmd from your repo to your vbr to be sure there is no network surprise.

Ports - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Arun Das -

Just following up your post adding RHEL Linux to Veeam error. Without being able to see your errors completely, it may be the single-use creds don’t have sudo access on your server to be able to install Veeam components. Otherwise, without providing more info, it’s hard to further assist.

Were you able to resolve this? Can you share what you did to do so?

Thank you.
