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Hi guys, 

Hope you are well.

I have a little question. Currently I backup my Azure Vms with Veeam for Azure. I have a Backup Copy Job to copy this backup on my VBR server Onpremise.

Now I want to implement an offline backup from this backup copy with a tape job.
Ideally I would like to have an externalization everyday of a full backup.

Unfortunately the “virtual full” can be scheduled only once a week. is there a way to do it more offen with powershell script?

What are the possibilities for my need. :D 

I thought to use File to Tape and backup all the chain but it will consume to much media...

Perhaps do I think in the wrong direction… but you can schedule the full backup for every day for a backup-to-tape job…


Sorry for the delay. @dips I m using an OnPremise solution with Veeam Azure.
Finally I got a solution :

In a backup to tape it’s possible to create a “virtual full” everyday if in the source there no synthetic or active full created.
So I backup my Instances Azure with Veeam Azure in Blob storage.
From my VBR server Onpremise, I created a Backup copy job, with no GFS retention. In my tape job I configured to create a virtual full everyday and scheduled my job everyday too. So everynight I have an export on tape of all my Vms.


Sorry for the delay. @dips I m using an OnPremise solution with Veeam Azure.
Finally I got a solution :

In a backup to tape it’s possible to create a “virtual full” everyday if in the source there no synthetic or active full created.
So I backup my Instances Azure with Veeam Azure in Blob storage.
From my VBR server Onpremise, I created a Backup copy job, with no GFS retention. In my tape job I configured to create a virtual full everyday and scheduled my job everyday too. So everynight I have an export on tape of all my Vms.


Great, thanks for letting us know! :) 

Hello @Stabz ,
which VBR license do you have? With Enterprise and Enterprise+ you can use Backup-to-Tape jobs.
With this kind of job the new files are copied to tape only. And you can export the used tape each day. In this case you need all the tape which contains your backup chain (Full backup with the following incrementals).


You can configure a daily Full Backup with the File-to-Tape job, too…


Hello @JMeixner ,


Thanks for your answers. I have an enterprise Plus licence so I have already somes bakup jobs.
I ll take a look about the files to tape, but my prerequisite is to have an externalization of a full backup everyday for my vms.
If I selection my repositories I ll have all the chain in tapes ...

It’s not possible with Backup copy from source to schedule more than once a week a virtual full…

Hi @Stabz are you using Physical or Virtual Tapes?

Have you thought about using something like Veeam Cloud Connect to backup to an external repository if that works in your use case.
