
NTLMv1 no longer supported on Synology so Repo can't connect

Userlevel 2

Hey All,


Our Synology no longer supports NTLMv1 which is causing the Veeam SMB Repo to disconnect. Anyone know of a way to set the SMB level in Veeam to 2 or higher minimum? Thanks.


User [veeam] from [IP address] failed to log in via [SMB] due to [NTLMv1 not permitted].

Best answer by Nico Losschaert 3 August 2021, 23:33

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Userlevel 7
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@TechOpsAK , as a best practice, try to avoid using SMB as a Veeam repository. Try to create a LUN on your Synology device and a iSCSI target. The performance and stability is better than using an SMB-share. We are using frequently synology-devices as a repository for our smaller customers.

Userlevel 7
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@TechOpsAK, an extra if you are using an iSCSI LUN : you can use REFS 64K so performance and place-handling will be a lot better in case of synthetic fulls, merging, ...

Userlevel 7
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@TechOpsAK , I see that there is a way of activating ntlmv1 in Synologies newest version 7.0 : Fix Synology DSM 7 SMB Clients Get Disconnected – Marius Hosting

Userlevel 2



Ah, I hadn’t consider iSCSI, I’ll check into that, thanks for the suggestion.

Yeah, I saw that way of activating NTLMv1 but it’s insecure so would rather avoid it.

Userlevel 7
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No problem @TechOpsAK , good luck with using iSCSI. If the answer is sufficient, can you close it by selecting best answer? Thx a lot!

Userlevel 2

Will do

Userlevel 7
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@TechOpsAK , as a best practice, try to avoid using SMB as a Veeam repository. Try to create a LUN on your Synology device and a iSCSI target. The performance and stability is better than using an SMB-share. We are using frequently synology-devices as a repository for our smaller customers.

This is probably the best advice as noted by Nico. Also the ReFS piece too.

I have a Synology DS920+ at home and use both iSCSI and NFS in VMware which works great for Veeam.  Similar with a Windows host too.

Best of luck.

Userlevel 7
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Just agree with @Nico Losschaert and @Chris.Childerhose ! Present a block-device and format with your repo-server. 

BTW: such an constellation is not recommended for Hardened Repository in production, if you think about this.

Userlevel 2

Got it, thanks all for the confirmations.
