
Need help for export incremental file on tape

Userlevel 7
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Hi guys,
I need some help to export my incremental files on tape.

Policies: Archiving Full backups once a week on new tapes and used tapes are exported, archiving Incremental backups on new tapes and used tapes are exported.

Entity Configuration settings
Media pool Full and incremental backups use different media pools.
Media pool (retention) Protect data for <desired period> 
Media set (retention) Create new media set for every backup session
Source (backup job) Forward incremental backup that runs daily with synthetic 
Tape job Export current media set.. on specific days

Forward incremental job running every day with weekly full backup.
Tape job has been scheduled to run every day after primary backup.


When I configure only Full backup archiving everything works fine, my synthetic are created the Friday night, the tape job is scheduled the Saturday morning, the job copy only the latest backup files.

Now I have configured my job to copy the incremental files too, in my tape job a specific media pool for this. I launched my job manually to have a copy of the incrementals files linked to the latest full, but Veeam is going to copy all incremental files available on my repository.


Any idea?


Best answer by Chris.Childerhose 19 March 2024, 13:40

View original


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hello @Stabz ,
does it copy all incremental backups every time or just the first time?

If it does it the first time only, I would say this is normal, because Veeam needs the whole chain to utilize each incremental....

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

It’s the first time I launch the job.
I understand that Veeam need the all chain, but in this case I’ll have some incremental points without the full backup files associated, it’s strange for me.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Depending on if this is a standard media pool or GFS you can set different options in the Advanced settings.  If this is a standard pool check these settings about processing only the latest chain - Advanced Settings for Backup to Tape Job - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@Chris.Childerhose I m using standard media pool, I dont like GFS one 😂.
You pointed the problem ! I always tick the box, but during the demo with the customer I unchecked it ! 

After enable it again I have only the latest incremental files 


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Glad to hear that was the solution and got things going again.  😉
