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Ghost job session started to run

Ok gang, I have a weird situation.

I have a job where I removed a server and added another one that replaced it.  Different server names, IP’s….

Everything was running fine for a long time but all of a sudden, when the job runs, it completes without issue. Then a second job runs with the same job name but showing the previous server and job settings (which of course fails due to the server no longer being there).  It’s even doing the typical 3 tries before it gives up.

Any ideas on how to get rid of the second run?

Thanks in advance


Hey @jdower98 

Just to clarify, this is a backup job you modified? 

Hi, is this a VM job, agent managed by VBR job or agent self managed job?

Hi @jdower98 -

With the others here...need a bit more info.

Is this ‘ghost’ job something you can’t see running in the Console? Can you check for an Instant Recovery session? Or, can you browse your ‘Inventory’ node (2nd node) and look under your ‘Physical Infrastructure’ and see if you maybe have a Agent job with the name? If any of those are not needed, you should be able to just delete/remove them.

As others have already mentioned - version of Veeam VBR you are using, Agent version if applicable, what type of job, etc.  If you are possibly able to do a screenshot of the console showing the job tree and then the Inventory tab tree it would help.

Is this maybe SureBackup or Instant Recovery job as noted running?  The more information provided the better it is for us to help.
