Doc Veeam validator
KB2086: How to Use the Veeam Backup Validator
Veeam Backup Validator - Veeam Backup Guide for vSphere
It is essential to verify the status of the backups at the CRC level on the storage and the possibility of restoring them via Surebackup.
During the wizard for creating a backup job you can enable "Storage backup files healt check (detect and auto-heals corruption.

I prefer to automate the validation process to have a detailed report every 2 weeks
- Copy past and save .ps1 format

Performs a validation of all server backups
File Name : veeam_validator.ps1
Author : Me and my colleague
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 , VeeamPSSnapIn installed
#------------------------------------------ VARIABLES TO CHANGE -------------------------
$email_infoTO = ""
$email_infoFrom = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)@ "
$email_infoServer = "your SMTP"
$SmtpPort = "25"
$emailUser = "your-veeam-srv@"
$emailPass = ""
$logfolder = "c:\temp"
$cliente = "your customer name"
#------------------------------------------ END VARIABLES-------------------------------
$Jobs = Get-VBRJob |where {$_.Jobtype -like "Backup"} | sort name
$OutputFile = "$logfolder\VeeamValidation.html"
Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\"
foreach ($Job in $Jobs) {
$startdate = $(Get-Date -uformat %m-%d-%Y_%H:%M)
$JobName = $Job.Name
$tempFile = "$logfolder\Validation$jobname.html"
if ($Job.IsRunning -eq $true) {
Write-Host $JobName "is running" |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File $tempFile
$dateObject = <PSCustomObject]@{
StartDate = $startdate
EndDate = $(Get-Date -uformat %m-%d-%Y_%H:%M)}
$dateObject |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File $tempFile -append
#Lunch validation
& cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Veeam.Backup.Validator.exe" /backup:"$JobName" /format:html /report:"$tempFile"
#write start / end time
$dateObject = ePSCustomObject]@{
StartDate = $startdate
EndDate = $(Get-Date -uformat %m-%d-%Y_%H:%M)}
$dateObject |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File $tempFile -append
Set-Location $logfolder
Get-ChildItem *.html|sort | Get-Content | Set-Content $OutputFile
$html = :string]$(Get-Content $OutputFile)
# Message stuff
$MessageSubject = "Live your best life now"
$Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $email_infoFrom,$email_infoTO
$Message.IsBodyHTML = $true
$Message.Subject = "n$cliente] Backup Validation"
$Message.Body = $html
# Construct the SMTP client object, credentials, and send
$Smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($email_infoServer,$SmtpPort)
$Smtp.EnableSsl = $false
$Smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($emailUser,$emailPass)
#send-mailmessage -SmtpServer $email_infoServer -to $email_infoTO -from $email_infoFrom -subject "s$cliente] Backup Validation" -body $html -BodyAsHtml -ErrorAction Stop
Get-ChildItem *.html |Remove-Item -Force
- Create folder i c:\Script_Veeam

- Open task Scheduler

- Make sure you enter the correct path to the powershell executable Program/scipt:
- Add arguments (optional)
-file "C:\Script_Veeam\veeam_validator.ps1"