Have you attended a Veeam User Group meeting? What did you find most valuable?

  • 19 October 2020

Userlevel 6

Since 2013, Veeam User Group Meetings have brought together groups of technical Veeam users for education, networking and 1-on-1 interaction with Veeam technical personnel.


Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Yes, I attended a VUG in Northern VA in 2019 and thought the interaction between presenter(s) and audience was fantastic. 

Userlevel 1

I have not attended a VUG event. I’m a leader of the Chicago VMUG, and I’ve always enjoyed working with the local Veeam staff when they sponsor an event. I’d be happy to work with others to put on a virtual VUG event in the near future. How can I get more involved?

Userlevel 4

Unfortunately I have not attended a VUG… yet!  I’ve often wondered if there’s enough of an audience to host a New England VUG, so I’m very happy to see that there is a NorthEast event happening tomorrow.

Userlevel 6

Hello Patrick! There are definitely opportunities to contribute to our Veeam User Group program, from assisting our local teams with content, helping to promote VUGs and increase more community participation, leading local meet-ups (post-COVID, of course), and more. We are so happy to see you are interested, and will get in touch via private message.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Tagging @Patrick Benson here so he’ll see the message above :relaxed:

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I started the VUG Denmark many years ago. While presentations by Veeam staff can always be fantastic, hearing from customers or consultants from partners is always very enriching. A favorite is having a customer just draw out their environment and people can ask questions or make suggestions.

I was looking forward to attending one earlier this year, but something came up….  
Is there a South East event?

it was the steak dinner!! and the fabulous raffle prizes! oh, and i got to ask some important questions about veeam and get useful answers, plus learning more about the capabilities of the software that I hadn’t known about.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hey @ARoss!

Please, check Community Events page, South East Veeam User Group event is coming soon! :blush:
