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VCSP Licensing Cost Increase, about 6%

  • 3 December 2022

Service Providers, FYI, looks like licensing is going up slightly for 2023…


As we look to close out the year and kick off fresh in 2023, we’re excited to recap some recent Veeam®️ enhancements and share some future ones.

Q1 brought you Veeam Service Provider Console v6, which included licensing and usage reporting integrations to further enhance your Microsoft 365 data protection capabilities.

In June of 2022, we kicked off our new partner directory, aimed at driving prospects and customers to our partner community. We’re seeing an average of 10,000+ unique visitors on this page monthly — a huge win for our partners!

Our latest Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 update included integrations and enhancements for our Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) community (i.e., Self-Service Restore portal).

Speaking of enhancements, Veeam is committed to continuous innovation and has multiple product and platform releases in store to help you grow and scale your business in FY23.

A further change effective Feb. 1, 2023, Veeam will increase pricing to align to the inherent value of our platform, products, tools and program.

Here’s what that means for you:

•    The VCSP rental price per point will increase ~6%, effective for Feb. 1 usage (reported in March 2023).
•    Partners with a minimum-commitment volume rental agreement (VRA) will see the increase upon extension of their VRA, while partners without a minimum commitment (or no commitment) will see the change in the February 2023 Usage Report (reported in March 2023)
•    We are also adding two additional commitment tiers of 35,000 and 75,000 points to better accommodate a wider range of needs.

If you have any questions, please contact your Veeam sales representative.

Thank you,
Veeam Team 


Be warned we received the email that stated +6% but our UK GBP VRA renewal has just come through at +15%.

We thought it may be an issue with the aggregator but this has been confirmed by a 2nd independent aggregator.

Trying to get to the bottom of it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Yeah got this notice and let management know. Let's see what happens in the new year.  Hopefully being a Platinum partner it won't affect us much.

Dang...we’re so small in the Service Provider space that we’re not even at a minimum commit.  Although I plan on that changing, but currently were only consuming 45 points.  LOL

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Yeah got this notice and let management know. Let's see what happens in the new year.  Hopefully being a Platinum partner it won't affect us much.
