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Are SharePoint permissions backed up using Veeam for Microsoft 365? 

Scenario:  A group with inherited permissions is removed from a SharePoint folder but later found to be required.

If we restore the folder, will it restore the security groups/permissions associated with that folder at the time of backup?

Check out this KB which has more details on permissions - KB2969: Veeam Backup for Office 365 Complete Permissions

its local server admin.

the site that i try to restore have delegetion permissions and the veeam backup user supose to have full permisions but not eble to restore permisions.

i try to restore normal site and i was eble to select the restore permissions.

so the question is “that permissions need the backup user to have to specific site for restore permissisons?”

Hi, i have try to restore a sharepoint site but where i run restore wizard i cant select the Additional options: Restore Permissions its Grayout and unchecked. the backup veeam accont is sharepoint admin and share point site owner

The account you are running the restore from is it a Backup Administrator?  If so, unsure why restore permissions would be grayed out.

Hi, i have try to restore a sharepoint site but where i run restore wizard i cant select the Additional options: Restore Permissions its Grayout and unchecked. the backup veeam accont is sharepoint admin and share point site owner

Are SharePoint permissions backed up using Veeam for Microsoft 365? 

Scenario:  A group with inherited permissions is removed from a SharePoint folder but later found to be required.

If we restore the folder, will it restore the security groups/permissions associated with that folder at the time of backup?

According to this you can restore permissions -

