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Hyper-V Backup Processing Error: invaldi XML content


bei einem Hyper-V Server bei einem Host kommt die Fehlermeldung:

Processing Error: invalid XML content.

Version ist installeiert

Wie kann ich den Fehler beheben.


Vielen Dank


Hi @frankgellen -

What specific task are you doing in Veeam? Are you trying to add a Hyper-V Host? Are you trying to backup Hyper-V VMs? Please share as much detail on what you’re trying to do as possible so we can best try to assist.

Also keep in mind...this site is not Veeam Tech Support. We can try to help by offering suggestions is all.


Hello, the backup has been running like this for weeks and suddenly this message appears. Several servers are being backed up but this message only appears for this one

Thx for your help

Hi @frankgellen -

So, you’re running Hyper-V VM backups? In this job, are all VMs running ok, but 1 VM is not? If you go into the Job > Virtual Machines section and click the ‘Refresh’ button, does this VM show a VM size above 0MB? (it should) If the VM doesn’t show a size, it is because you moved it’s location in your Hyper-V infrastructure from where you initially selected it for the job; and you just need to remove it from the job, then re-add it.

If the VM does show a valid GB size, then all is well there. You can then check the backup job log file on the Veeam Backup server to see if it shows any more detailed info. The log is located at:

You may need to open a case with Veeam Support as well. I know I’ve seen this error before...but I haven’t been able to find anything on why it happens.

Hi @frankgellen -

I was just following up on your post. Did you open a case with Veeam Support? Were they able to offer you a solution? If so, can you post what they did to get your Backup Job working again?

I remembered where I saw this error before - Veeam’s Release Notes for v12.1. There was an “Invalid XML content” error displayed when attempting to view job reports. This was fixed in release v12.1

Thank you.

Hello, I have now started the server on another replicated failover and deleted the server from the first server then the whole thing back Replicated started there again and the backup runs fine again
Thanks for the help

Glad to hear. If any comment above helped you, or even if yours did, please remember to mark a comment as ‘Best Answer’ so other Community members who have a similar issue/error who come across your post may benefit.

Thank you for the update.
