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Fun Friday: Linux __Server__ Distribution of Choice?

After reading MicoolPaul’s question “Linux Distribution of Choice” the answers to MicoolPaul’s question seemed to be more geared for a desktop.

So I began to wonder what Linux distribution do people choose for servers in a production environment. Are people’s choice the same for a production server as their desktop choice? Of course, when you’re creating a Linux production server you don’t install an X11/Wayland Desktop Environment.

In my environment, there some RHEL and Ubuntu servers. Linux appliances, provided by a vendor, seem to be CentOS, Ubuntu, and SuSE.

What’s your production distro of choice?


Userlevel 7
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To me, CentOS was the Linux distribution people mostly preferred for server implementation. But as you know its end of life is December 31st, 2021. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Thanks for posting :) I think I unintentionally steered it towards desktop as I said about my Mac…but for me I use Ubuntu Server as my default. I used to use CentOS a lot around the v6 release as I wanted to understand better the alternatives to Debian based releases and use something that was in many ways the same as RHEL (as I’d seen RHEL but never used it before).

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Linux server? Nope, thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Linux server? Nope, thanks.



Ubuntu for Linux Hardened Repo ‼️😍

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Linux server? Nope, thanks.

😆 at least you’re honest! So you’re 100% MacOS Server then? 😉

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Yes, I will definitely try this 😎

Userlevel 3

To me, CentOS was the Linux distribution people mostly preferred for server implementation. But as you know its end of life is December 31st, 2021. 

There several alernatives to CentOS 8:

Rocky Linux
Alma Linux

SpringDale Linux

Userlevel 3

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Detective Mildur on the job!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Any spoiler :D?

For me SLES or RHEL, for a large company editor support could be useful :sweat_smile:

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Any spoiler :D?

For me SLES or RHEL, for a large company editor support could be useful :sweat_smile:

Statement from Anton :-)

It is planned.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I thought about posting it here and sharing the news...but Detective @Mildur has destroyed the surprise :grin:  Just an addition; tape server won’t be compatible with the hardened Linux repository.

On the topic. At the moment it’s Ubuntu, as many customers are using it and the LTS version have a very good support/lifetime.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Wasn't it mentioned at VeeamOn Update? I didn't think it as the big news...

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I think is was mentioned before, but this is the first written statement/confirmation for v12.

Userlevel 7
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Ok, so it is probably true I had heard it before. Because of this I did not react on this. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

In many customer environmente we are using RHEL or SLES.

But for Veeam Proxy and hardened Repository I prefer Ubuntu.

And soon Linux Tape Server :-)

Any spoiler :D?

For me SLES or RHEL, for a large company editor support could be useful :sweat_smile:

Statement from Anton :-)

It is planned.


now it seems to be official! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

I thought about posting it here and sharing the news...but Detective @Mildur has destroyed the surprise :grin:  Just an addition; tape server won’t be compatible with the hardened Linux repository.

On the topic. At the moment it’s Ubuntu, as many customers are using it and the LTS version have a very good support/lifetime.

I am sure because of security reasons 
