
Error creating snapshot with veeam

Userlevel 3


I installed veeam on debian 11 following the doc. The problem is that veeam can't create the snapshot. Can you help me ?


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

What version of Veeam did you install?  What is the error message that you are seeing?

We need some basic information to try to help and I would check the Veeam forums too for possible solutions -


Userlevel 3


Userlevel 3

i installed veeam 12 agent for debian

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

It says “no compatible filesystem found to store the snapshot.”

Did you look at the system requirements?

Or do you have enough space left in a filesystem for the snapshot?

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

It says “no compatible filesystem found to store the snapshot.”

Did you look at the system requirements?

Or do you have enough space left in a filesystem for the snapshot?

I would definitely look at these things for sure especially space.

Userlevel 3

No, I haven't looked at the system requirements, where can I find it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

There is a section about filesystems. And there are special considerations and limitations for filesystems.

Userlevel 3

thank you :)

Userlevel 3

my server is in raid5, it is 1.5TB, when I try to make a veeam backup of my raid locally. Veeam shows the same error as before..

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Which filesystem are you using? How much free space is left?

Which debian version are you using?

Userlevel 3

I'm using debian 11, I have 1.48TB of free space left.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Run: df -hlT to verify what filesystem you’re using. Generally, by default it is either ext4 or xfs, which are both supported. According to the requirements at the link Jochen provided, you also need to have a couple packages installed - isolinux and linux-headers. You can easily see if they are installed by running sudo apt list --installed ; you can pipe the grep command to search for the specific packages as well.

Also, you say you’re using RAID5. Is this a software or hardware RAID? If h/w RAID, it is not supported, per the requirements link at this forum post under the Backup section.

Userlevel 3

 Good morning,
here is the output of the commands:




I am using software RAID





Userlevel 3

I have another pb, I can't delete the veeam file, in /tmp/veeam

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

It looks like you meet all requirements on your system @Alphaone . The only other couple options I can suggest is try installing the ‘generic’ linux-headers:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic

If you still have issues, the only last thing I can think of is you could have multiple kernels, which would cause issues. If none of these final points resolve your issue, then at this point I would recommend contacting Veeam Support.
