VMware Certified Professional DCV 2021 Study Guide

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Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Great stuff, thanks for sharing @coolsport00 !

Despite the amount of pages, it isa relatively handy study guide and reference book!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Thanks for also sharing your study guide here @coolsport00. As always a great study source :blush:

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Yes...one of the longest I’ve done, I think. Glad to provide it for the community! :blush:

Userlevel 7
Badge +3


153 pages of goodness! :heart_eyes:

That’s awesome, @coolsport00! Thank you for sharing this with community :sparkles:

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hi @coolsport00  and @MicoolPaul ,
yes, I have read this page and saw the course as mandatory but had not seen if it is mandatory each time.

Thanks for clarification.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

@JMeixner if you check out https://www.vmware.com/education-services/certification/vcp-dcv.html it gives you a nice and customised path for you depending on experience. You HAVE to have done at least one course for a VCP tier exam. But once you’re at the VCP tier you can cross certify. For example I did the VCP-DTM training and exam, but once I had that VCP I then could certify for VCP-DCV without doing another training course (though it’s recommended)

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

The Course is mandatory if you’ve never taken the Course before. But, as long as you don’t let your cert expire, you don’t need it. I haven’t had to take the Course in over 10yrs. If you let your cert expire, after a certain amount of time, the Course will be required again, but I’m not sure of the definitive timeframe. So for example, if you took the Course for the 2020 DCV exam, and passed the 2020 DCV exam, then you take and pass the 2021 DCV exam, you do not need to additionally take the 2021 Course. Hope that helps. I recommend taking the time to review VMware’s certification page, since they changed some things a couple years ago, to be sure on what you need and when:


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Great guide, thank you.

Is the VMWare course mandatory or optional before taking the exam?

Or is it mandatory for the first time you take an exam only? E.g. version 2020 with course and version 2021 without course...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Really great guide if you are looking to update your VMware VCP. :sunglasses:
