I've also had problems but the link in the reminder email was working. I was on tour and could only listen to the event; I hope the problems didn't last too long.
Thank you for the patience!
We had some technical difficulties, but they should be fixed now.
Please try again by following this link: https://go.veeam.com/v11
How soon will the recorded content be published?
Unfortunately we missed the Continuous Data Protection segment which was very much of interest to me.
Thank you for the patience!
We had some technical difficulties, but they should be fixed now.
Please try again by following this link: https://go.veeam.com/v11
Can tell they’ve fixed it, numbers now peaking just under 5k viewers!
@Kseniya is it forbidden for me to post here the link I received?
If not I can share this for people struggling?
Yeah, it is an unique link, it won’t work for others unfortunately…
Fingers crossed it is fixed super super quick!
(face palm) Sorry, it’s never fun when things like this go wrong.
At least you should be happy that several people are so interested in the V11 launch.
hi folks,
I’m able to join the event now.
Many thanks!
I just got in, thank you.
@Kseniya is it forbidden for me to post here the link I received?
If not I can share this for people struggling?
Yeah, it is an unique link, it won’t work for others unfortunately…
Fingers crossed it is fixed super super quick!
HI everyone, sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with joining!
I just heard from the team: they are aware about this issue and working on getting this fixed ASAP.
Recorded version will be also shared afterwards!
Thank you very much.
Now every time I go the form changes Sometimes I see first last, sometimes I do not . There is now a drop down for United States, but email and phone never work, for either of the links provided. As stated it forwards to broken link
Yup it would appear they do have a developer working on it.
My last time it pre-filled my first name but not my last name.
I noticed it also truncated one character off my email address.
It also pre-filled my business name but not how I would have registered it - not sure where they’re pulling data in from.
@Kseniya is it forbidden for me to post here the link I received?
If not I can share this for people struggling?
HI everyone, sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with joining!
I just heard from the team: they are aware about this issue and working on getting this fixed ASAP.
Recorded version will be also shared afterwards!
Now every time I go the form changes Sometimes I see first last, sometimes I do not . There is now a drop down for United States, but email and phone never work, for either of the links provided. As stated it forwards to broken link
Oh well, I’m sure by the time they fix this we will have missed the bulk of the presentation or it will be over. As someone else said, hopefully they’ll provide a link to a recording of the presentation so we can watch later.
About phone and mail problem. I have the same case…
Trying to access this link here @timc, @ibrahimk and @RockinRiley.
The problem happens only on https://go.veeam.com/v11.
Tried the link you provided, but it just redirects to https://go.veeam.com/v11, which, of course, is the non-working link.
same for me
About phone and mail problem. I have the same case…
Trying to access this link here @timc, @ibrahimk and @RockinRiley.
The problem happens only on https://go.veeam.com/v11.
Tried the link you provided, but it just redirects to https://go.veeam.com/v11, which, of course, is the non-working link.
About phone and mail problem. I have the same case…
Trying to access this link here @timc, @ibrahimk and @RockinRiley.
The problem happens only on https://go.veeam.com/v11.
Same issues with business mail address and phone number..
I can confirm that I am also unable to view the event using https://go.veeam.com/v11
The web form refuses to accept any valid email address including my work email which is registered with Veeam.
It also refuses to accept a valid formatted US telephone number.
About phone and mail problem. I have the same case…
Trying to access this link here @timc, @ibrahimk and @RockinRiley.
The problem happens only on https://go.veeam.com/v11.
Still not accepting email or phone
Yep, I can’t get in either. Hoping they’ll send out a link to downloadable version of the webinar after the event.
About phone and mail problem. I have the same case…
Trying to access this link here @timc, @ibrahimk and @RockinRiley.
The problem happens only on https://go.veeam.com/v11.
Hey @ibrahimk, are you using business email? I believe that could be a reason.
Please, try to register with your business email!
Yes I’ve used my business phone number and business mail address, both won’t be accepted..
I cannot join the event, my mail address won’t be accepted...Anyone having the same issue?
Same here, and phone number not accepted
I cannot join the event, my mail address won’t be accepted...Anyone having the same issue?
Yes, same problem here. Complains about my phone number too, no matter how I format it. Can’t join the event.
I tried 3 different browsers, but it didn’t helped...