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:apple: Agent For MAC Deployment


always via catch-all protection groups

•.pkg file for installation

•Install with double-click or 3rd party software management solution*

•Full Disk Access (FDA) must be allowed in both cases




Full Disk Access:  Manual Configuration

Go to “Settings –Security & Privacy –Full Disk Access”



Check Profile On MacOS



:electric_plug: 3 Ways To Connect Agent To VBR


:point_right: 1) Command line (same as Veeam Agent for Linux)


:point_right: 2) Import a Catch-Allconfiguration file; can be done via UI:


:point_right: 3) Use mobile device management to distribute a configuration profile


Visibility On VBR Side


:diamonds: Appears in VBR after import of Catch-All configuration

:diamonds: Assign backup policies in VBR console


IMPORTANT :raised_hand:

VAM does NOT


:small_orange_diamond: back up volumes

:small_orange_diamond:perform bare metal recovery

:small_orange_diamond:perform any sort of application aware backup

:small_orange_diamond:save applications settings (unless you specifically select the required files)

:small_orange_diamond:allow non-admin users to access other users’ data

:small_orange_diamond:have local UI to create jobs



Great to see the Mac getting some love!

If anyone really wants to try it out, then perhaps a very cheap second hand Mac or Mac on AWS could be an option.

Mac daddy! Thanks for the great info. 

Thanks again Esteban

I will test it, very good!!
