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Here’s a sample PowerShell script to identify Cloud Connect backups that are no longer tied to an active Backup Job. It also includes functionality to only show restore points older than XX days.

Further background info on this script... When a Copy Job (or Backup Job) is deleted that was sending its backups to a (Cloud Connect) Cloud Repository, the backup files are not deleted by default. This behavior is great as it enables a backup administrator to hold on to the backups according to their company's retention policy. Sometimes, though, these backups are forgotten which results in additional storage consumed in the Cloud Repository which translates to higher storage costs. This script provides an automated method of identifying these backups so they aren't forgotten.

NOTE: This script is designed to be executed on a Veeam Backup & Replication server that sends backups to a Cloud Repository. It will not work if executed on a Cloud Connect server.

For more detailed information, please follow the VeeamHub link:

Thanks for sharing Chris.  This will come in handy for MSPs for sure.



I’ll also add this script can totally be leveraged using the new Remote PowerShell feature in VSPC v6.

Thanks for sharing Chris.  This will come in handy for MSPs for sure.

Great script, thank you :sunglasses::thumbsup_tone3:
