VEEAM Maintenance Mode PowerShell Scripts

Userlevel 4

Yesterday, during the VEEAM User Group Germany someone was missing a Maintenance Mode for VEEAM. The main problem was to keep which job was enabled and which was disabled. I wrote a script some times ago which stopped all jobs and disable them but before the state is dumped into a JSON File. On leaving maintenence the JSON-File will be read and required jobs are set to enabled again and failed jobs are triggered to restart.


The scripts (and more) can be found on our github repository:


Here are these scripts:



Import-Module Veeam.Backup.PowerShell

Function log($message) {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ss hh:mm:ss"
Write-Host "$($timestamp) - $($message)"

if($DryRun) { log "DRY RUN - NOTHING WILL CHANGE" }

$_FILE = "$PSScriptRoot/job_states.json"
if( [System.IO.File]::Exists($_FILE) ) {
log "State File already exists - remove it first!!"
Exit 1

# Create new, empty state file
New-Item -Path $_FILE -Force | Out-Null

log "Load Jobs"
$JOBS = Get-VBRJob

# Save list of current jobs state (enabled/disabled)
log "Dump Job states to file"
$STATES = ( $JOBS | SELECT Id, Name, @{N="IsScheduleEnabled";E={$}} )
$STATES | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $_FILE

# Stop All running jobs
log "Stop all Jobs"
if(-not $DryRun) { $JOBS | Stop-VBRJob -RunAsync }

# Disable all Jobs
log "Disable all jobs"
if(-not $DryRun) { $JOBS | Disable-VBRJob | Out-Null }

log "Finish"



Import-Module Veeam.Backup.PowerShell

Function log($message) {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ss hh:mm:ss"
Write-Host "$($timestamp) - $($message)"

if($DryRun) { log "DRY RUN - NOTHING WILL CHANGE" }

$_FILE = "$PSScriptRoot/job_states.json"
if( -not [System.IO.File]::Exists($_FILE) ) {
log "Missing state file... Cancle"
Exit 1

log "Load list of Last Job States"
$STATES = Get-Content $_FILE | ConvertFrom-Json

log "Enable all needed Jobs"
$JOBS = Get-VBRJob -Name ($STATES|?{-not $_.Proxy -and $_.IsScheduleEnabled}).Name
if(-not $DryRun) { $JOBS | Enable-VBRJob | Out-Null }

log "Retry Failed Backup jobs"
if(-not $DryRun) { $JOBS | ?{ $_.GetLastResult() -eq "Failed" } | Start-VBRJob -RunAsync -RetryBackup }

Remove-Item -Path $_FILE

log "Finish"



Userlevel 7
Badge +7

This is great , @Martin Weber ! 😊 Thank you for sharing and welcome to the Community Hub 😉

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Great 😎👍🏼

We have spoken about this yesterday. Saves me some development time 😁

Userlevel 2

Hey Martin, thanks for sharing!

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

These are great scripts for sure.  Thanks for sharing, Martin.  Another thing to add to my repository collection. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Is this query reliable?

$STATES = ( $JOBS | SELECT Id, Name, @{N="IsScheduleEnabled";E={$}} )

In my environment the IsScheduleEnabled parameter is true for every job, with or without schedule….

Any similar experiences?


Tested now in a V11 environment - there is the parameter set correct.
Has V12 a problem with this or is there any other parameter for this in V12?

Just created some unscheduled test jobs in V12 and all have set the IsScheduledEnabled parameter to True.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thank you @Martin Weber , this is great 😃

Userlevel 4

@JMeixnerYes, there is a “Feature” ( BUG :P ) in my script


$Job.IsSchdeuleEnabled is $False if the Job is running automatically and if you set the to disable. If it is manual job with no active scheduler, you are not able to disable them - and then IsScheduleEnable is always $True.

The better name for this Property should be IsActive…



It is not a bug - but I will further check it. I just added a filter for disabeling jobs if it is scheduleable (automatic scheduler)

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Ah yes, I thought the wrong way because of the name of the parameter.

Thank you for the clarification @Martin Weber 😎👍🏼

Userlevel 4

@JMeixner No Problem :)

Also be aware of the cmdlet Remove-VBRRestorePoint!

Get-VBRRestorePoint list every single restore point of a vm. BUT Remove-VBRRestorePoint did not remove a single point, it will remove the whole VM from the storage...

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Very useful script @Martin Weber !

Try proposing a feature request on the Veeam forum, after all, it is a feature already present for VCC and VSPC!


Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Martin Weber , there is a slight typo in the Calculated Property:


Old code with comma:

$STATES = ($JOBS | Select-Object Id, Name, IsScheduleEnabled, @{ N = "IsSchedulable", E = { $_.IsSchedulable() } })


Updated code with semicolon:

$STATES = ($JOBS | Select-Object Id, Name, IsScheduleEnabled, @{ N = "IsSchedulable"; E = { $_.IsSchedulable() } })


Hope that helps.

Userlevel 4

@vAdmin Thanks, yes this was a typo … ashes to my head 🤕

I fixed it on the Repo

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

German Veeam Usergroup power here ! Thank you @Martin Weber for sharing !
Sharing is Caring!

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Thank you @Martin Weber!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Thanks for sharing
