Kube Task 1 Install our Test Environment

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We need an environment to start our journey. I am assuming most people will be on windows but I can also post for Mac and Linux.


The simplest solution for our setup is to leverage Minikube and and easy way to maintain it (i.e. updates etc) is to install via the windows package manager Chocolatey.


Run the following command to install chocolatey 

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

Now install minikube

choco install minikube

Next start minikube

minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.22.4

Now lets check and see how things are running


minikube status

You should see something like this:


Now lets run our first pod

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

We will now check to see if it is running:

kubectl get pods


Boom you have a pod running in Kubernetes. 


Lets pause our environment until tomorrow:


minikube pause


Tomorrow when we start again we will need to:


minikube unpause


That is it for today. Short and sweet. Going forward we will talk more about minikube, kubernetes and even some Kasten :)


Day by day and step by step we will learn together!


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Finally had time to go for this. I did install Hyper-V on my client and removed the kubernetes version parameter as it was complaning about kubectl compability. At the end it worked 😁

@Geoff Burke: Just a small improvement; could you number the tasks so that it’s easier to follow them in logical order?

Sure that is a very good idea. I will re-edit these today and get on to the next one. I might change the name from daily as there are some days I don’t have time but will try to do as often as possible.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Finally had time to go for this. I did install Hyper-V on my client and removed the kubernetes version parameter as it was complaning about kubectl compability. At the end it worked 😁

@Geoff Burke: Just a small improvement; could you number the tasks so that it’s easier to follow them in logical order?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Sounds good 😊@Geoff Burke 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Seems like I’m already too far behind...I hope I’ll be able to catch up. Is the first step something I do on my productive client, or shall we run it on a separate system in a lab?

You can run minikube pretty much anywhere, I chose a mini distribution especially for laptops so that it can be a mobile thing too :), i.e. do it anywhere anytime without costing a dime!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Seems like I’m already too far behind...I hope I’ll be able to catch up. Is the first step something I do on my productive client, or shall we run it on a separate system in a lab?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

These step-by-step tutorials are great. Looking forward to the following ones. 😎👍🏼

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hello everyone.
Its a very good initiative Geoff
I think hands-on way is a better way to learn
Btw, you can also have your k8s cluster using docker desktop, rancher desktop or even multipass (https://multipass.run/) all sw are available for win/lin/mac.


I like both Rancher Desktop and Multipass as well but figured I had to choose one for now so … :) As for Docker Desktop, still confused about their new licensing thing, if a corporate laptop apparently you need to purchase I think. cheers

Free if it is small business with less than 250 employees and less than $10 million in revenue, personal use, education, and non-commercial open source projects.

From: Docker Desktop - Docker

ok good to know. In fact if people want to use other mini distributions and then post here too that would be excellent. One of the main goals here is to get people involved. The more we cover the more we learn. As people will see or know already Kubernetes is huge, impossible to become an expert in every department so the more people we have covering different areas the stronger we all get! cheers

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hello everyone.
Its a very good initiative Geoff
I think hands-on way is a better way to learn
Btw, you can also have your k8s cluster using docker desktop, rancher desktop or even multipass (https://multipass.run/) all sw are available for win/lin/mac.


I like both Rancher Desktop and Multipass as well but figured I had to choose one for now so … :) As for Docker Desktop, still confused about their new licensing thing, if a corporate laptop apparently you need to purchase I think. cheers

Free if it is small business with less than 250 employees and less than $10 million in revenue, personal use, education, and non-commercial open source projects.

From: Docker Desktop - Docker

Userlevel 7
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First lab completed and paused.  Till the next one to continue on. 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hello everyone.
Its a very good initiative Geoff
I think hands-on way is a better way to learn
Btw, you can also have your k8s cluster using docker desktop, rancher desktop or even multipass (https://multipass.run/) all sw are available for win/lin/mac.


I like both Rancher Desktop and Multipass as well but figured I had to choose one for now so … :) As for Docker Desktop, still confused about their new licensing thing, if a corporate laptop apparently you need to purchase I think. cheers

Userlevel 1

Hello everyone.
Its a very good initiative Geoff
I think hands-on way is a better way to learn
Btw, you can also have your k8s cluster using docker desktop, rancher desktop or even multipass (https://multipass.run/) all sw are available for win/lin/mac.


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Time to follow along.  Great work @Geoff Burke loving this to learn. 👍🏼
