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Microsoft dropped a surprise on us today by releasing Windows Server 2022 to no fanfare at all. It’s been released today 18th August 2021, it will have mainstream support until the 13th October 2026 and will be considered end of life on the 14th October 2031 (how are we talking about the 2030’s already?!). This is evidenced in Microsoft’s updated Windows Server Release Information document.

If you’re looking to grab an evaluation copy of Windows Server 2022 you can do so here. Alternatively if you have a suitable agreement with Microsoft you can also download a copy from VLSC or MSDN.

Interested to learn what’s new in Windows Server 2022? You can check out Microsoft’s post on the subject hereIMPORTANT: Microsoft are making TPM 2.0 support mandatory, if you’re looking to install onto existing hardware, be sure you meet the hardware requirements.


Supported Platforms


Realistically it’s going to be premature to start migrating your entire environment to Windows Server 2022, but in the interest of helping you work out where your support status is, consider the following.


VMware ESXi:


VMware have “Tech Preview” status for Windows Server 2022 at present, meaning that as Microsoft have only just made Windows Server 2022 “Generally Available” (GA), there may be some blocking issues that need resolving by Microsoft or VMware may be required to release a patch to support this operating system (OS). You can track the status of VMware’s support for this OS via this link.

Note: The following information is subject to change. At present it appears VMware are targeting support for ESXi 6.7U2 and above as the minimum requirement to run Windows Server 2022.


Microsoft Hyper-V:


Microsoft haven’t yet updated their documentation to reflect the minimum requirements, at present their Microsoft Docs article only lists virtual machines supported for Windows Server 2019 and below as well as Windows 10 and below. It is a reasonable assumption you will be able to virtualise Windows Server 2022 on Hyper-V 2022 however we won’t know about backwards compatibility until Microsoft update the article.

Bare Metal/Physical Installation:


At present none of the major hardware manufacturers I’ve checked have released any lists detailing which platforms will support Windows Server 2022, I’ll aim to update this blog post as information becomes available. If you want to see if your system will run Windows Server 2022 with or without vendor support, see my link to the hardware requirements above.




Veeam generally aim to release support for new operating systems within 90 days of release, normally within their next patch after the OS has been released (depending on the time difference between them). Veeam currently offer no support for Windows Server 2022 but as per their KB article KB4126, they will no longer blanket refuse to install on these systems. Veeam Backup & Replication v11a is scheduled to be the first release that will support Windows Server 2022, this is scheduled for Q3 of 2021 as per the notes on KB4180. Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 5.0.1 is expected to be released alongside Veeam Backup & Replication v11a and will also add support for Windows Server 2022.

Update 23/08/2021: Anton Gostev has provided an more precise indication of Veeam Backup & Replication v11a availability. Within the latest newsletter sent on the 23rd August 2021 Anton Gostev highlighted the integration of Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform v2 requires Veeam B&R v11a to be installed and would be available next month, later in the newsletter Anton Gostev reconfirmed one of the main improvements of the v11a release is support for Windows Server 2022.

Update 24/08/2021: Microsoft have confirmed Windows Server 2022 will only support SQL Server 2017 upwards. Veeam v11a will include support for Windows Server 2022, but at present I don’t have information to confirm if this is just processing Windows Server 2022 as a VM/Agent or including support for Veeam components such as the main VBR server itself. This could add a complication as Veeam installs with SQL Server 2016 express by default, but this version of SQL Server isn’t supported on Windows Server 2022 (see the SQL Server section for more information).



It’s great to see Microsoft still releasing full longer term support systems instead of forcing everyone onto a semi-annual channel. I’ll update this blog post as new information becomes available and as compatibility with any key applications becomes available.


Update 21/08/2021:

SharePoint: Microsoft’s GitHub pull requests shows that SharePoint Server 2019 supports Windows Server 2022, but they’re saving this being merged into the live documentation until the 1st September 2021.

SQL Server:

Update 24/08/2021: I reached out to various teams at Microsoft Docs to request updates to the documentation, seeking clarification regarding Windows Server 2022 support. The Microsoft SQL Server team responded today to inform me that they will only be supporting the SQL Server editions still in active support. These are SQL Server 2017, 2019 and the soon to be released SQL Server 2022.


Dell: Dell haven’t released a list of supported hardware for Windows Server 2022 yet. However their 15th generation servers are starting to show driver support, indicating these will be supported running Windows Server 2022. At present this shouldn’t be interpreted as full support. Dell have changed the default offerings for their servers in January 2021 to include TPM 2.0 which is a mandatory requirement for Windows Server 2022. As a result of the Dell 15th generation PowerEdge servers being released after this date, these servers should support Windows Server 2022 unless the TPM 2.0 device has been deliberately removed from the configuration. Should the 14th generation servers be supported too, they may require the addition of a TPM 2.0 module if this wasn’t included with the server, though at present Dell are showing no drivers for Windows Server 2022 on 14th generation.


We don‘t do in place upgrades in our company.

But we are testing the new edition with our applications.

We neither, always install a new version of the OS from scratch, doing in place upgrades is not recommended in my opinion, always take old settings - DLLs - etc. with the new installation - I don’t like it. Prefer to install new OS and migrate configuration backup

Thanks @Mildur :) 

@Inder I’ve been watching the documentation but no announcements yet.


I’ve just updated my original post with some new information regarding Dell & SharePoint.

@MicoolPaul : Good writeup Buddy ! What about with Cisco Platforms UCS ?

Thanks for the comments @Chris.Childerhose & @chris_eromosele!


It may sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to Microsoft Edge being built in 😆 Hotpatch looks promising but at present it appears to just be for Azure VMs, I heard of Server Core supporting hotpatch too but can’t see that within any official Microsoft documentation.


Certainly some cool tech in this new version, we’ll just have to see how they react in the real world!

Yes built-in Edge is going to be good and down with IE. 😂

Hopefully Windows 11 is the same.

What do you have against IE? Just a little old and un-secure?!


Old fashioned! Funny enough, some applications can only run on IE till date. I had this issue for days back then when i was working with Cisco ISE until i figured it out. 

To be honest, I think IE is vulnerable as not all versions are currently being supported by Microsoft. 

unfortunately you are right, a lot of (older of course) web-applications still just run with IE. Still see customers with flash-based applications. 

Just wanted to post this here but again you’re faster @Mildur. At least this time I’ve noticed it :sweat_smile:

Haha 🙂 my morning routine. Check the forums.

Has anyone already upgraded? 

Fine, thanks for the update @Mildur 

Nice one @MicoolPaul and thank you for the opportunity to add these comments.


If anyone wants to play with Windows Server 2022, kindly take a look at this guide: 

I love its Hybrid capabilities with Azure! Here are some capabilities of Windows Server 2022 

When @Gostev had not mention it in his digest, I would have missed that Microsoft does not offer a free Hyper-V with 2022 any more.

I can tell you this, vNote42 having worked with Anton for almost 11 years….  * * * NOTHING * * *  gets by Gostev. Ever.

Definitely seems that way. :joy:

When @Gostev had not mention it in his digest, I would have missed that Microsoft does not offer a free Hyper-V with 2022 any more.

I can tell you this, vNote42 having worked with Anton for almost 11 years….  * * * NOTHING * * *  gets by Gostev. Ever.



Has anyone already upgraded? 

I’ve done fresh deployments on 2022 with v11a so far. Have had the Windows Server IIS role have a freak out once that messed up a Veeam ONE install but I’ve not pin pointed the root cause yet to report to Microsoft or Veeam… otherwise been spot on! And definitely don’t upgrade any ReFS repository server from 2019 to 2022 atm…

Has anyone already upgraded? 

I’ve done fresh deployments on 2022 with v11a so far. Have had the Windows Server IIS role have a freak out once that messed up a Veeam ONE install but I’ve not pin pointed the root cause yet to report to Microsoft or Veeam… otherwise been spot on! And definitely don’t upgrade any ReFS repository server from 2019 to 2022 atm…

Same here.  And we will not be upgrading any repo ReFS servers.  We will deploy new, add to SOBR and then seal off the extents on Win2019 in the SOBR so data ages out.

Thanks for the comments @Chris.Childerhose & @chris_eromosele!


It may sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to Microsoft Edge being built in 😆 Hotpatch looks promising but at present it appears to just be for Azure VMs, I heard of Server Core supporting hotpatch too but can’t see that within any official Microsoft documentation.


Certainly some cool tech in this new version, we’ll just have to see how they react in the real world!

Yes built-in Edge is going to be good and down with IE. 😂

Hopefully Windows 11 is the same.

There are rumors that the free Hyper-V service will be removed in Windows Server 2022.

Sad, this was a simple testing environment for virtual systems in several windows server versions.

Guess I will be keeping Win2019 in the lab then to use Hyper-V for testing and VMCE/A study.  :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for the comments @Chris.Childerhose & @chris_eromosele!


It may sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to Microsoft Edge being built in 😆 Hotpatch looks promising but at present it appears to just be for Azure VMs, I heard of Server Core supporting hotpatch too but can’t see that within any official Microsoft documentation.


Certainly some cool tech in this new version, we’ll just have to see how they react in the real world!

Yes built-in Edge is going to be good and down with IE. 😂

Hopefully Windows 11 is the same.

I agree with you. Rebootless patching (hotpatch) will at least help in making servers highly available. 

I recently deployed IoT 21H1 and MS Edge was actually builtin.

- The new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser is included in most releases and even with Windows Server 2022, replacing Internet Explorer.

Thanks for the comments @Chris.Childerhose & @chris_eromosele!


It may sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to Microsoft Edge being built in 😆 Hotpatch looks promising but at present it appears to just be for Azure VMs, I heard of Server Core supporting hotpatch too but can’t see that within any official Microsoft documentation.


Certainly some cool tech in this new version, we’ll just have to see how they react in the real world!

Yes built-in Edge is going to be good and down with IE. 😂

Hopefully Windows 11 is the same.

What do you have against IE? Just a little old and un-secure?!


Old fashioned! Funny enough, some applications can only run on IE till date. I had this issue for days back then when i was working with Cisco ISE until i figured it out. 

To be honest, I think IE is vulnerable as not all versions are currently being supported by Microsoft. 

Thanks for the comments @Chris.Childerhose & @chris_eromosele!


It may sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to Microsoft Edge being built in 😆 Hotpatch looks promising but at present it appears to just be for Azure VMs, I heard of Server Core supporting hotpatch too but can’t see that within any official Microsoft documentation.


Certainly some cool tech in this new version, we’ll just have to see how they react in the real world!

Yes built-in Edge is going to be good and down with IE. 😂

Hopefully Windows 11 is the same.

I agree with you. Rebootless patching (hotpatch) will at least help in making servers highly available. 

I recently deployed IoT 21H1 and MS Edge was actually builtin.

- The new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser is included in most releases and even with Windows Server 2022, replacing Internet Explorer.

I missed this point. Windows 11 has MSEdge builtin. If you wish to test windows 11, please join the Windows Insider program and here is how to upgrade afterwards: 


Previously, it was so generous that my lab device was not TPM 2.0 complaint, yet i was still able to run Windows 11. Here are the prerequisites for running W11:

I think it is fair to say that Veeam Backup & Replication v11a (due in September of this year) will provide full Windows Server 2022 support:

-Backup as a VM (all hypervisors)

-Be on a backup proxy (Hyper-V)

-Installed upon (B&R on WS2022)

-Veeam Components installed on WS2022

That’s the MO here when it comes to platform support. That being said, it is not final till it is generally available. This was mentioned in the R&D Forum Digest this week (WS2022 support) by El G himself. I hope this helps @MicoolPaul  and @Chris.Childerhose 

Perfect, thanks for confirming that’s the intended plan :relaxed:

Update 24/08/2022: Provided information regarding SQL Server and a potential impact with Veeam.


@Rick Vanover @Kseniya , unusual request I know but would Veeam be able to make any comment about whether Veeam v11a will support Windows Server 2022 as a target for backup infrastructure components such as proxy/repository or even VBR itself? Or whether it’s just VM support. Mainly because VBR only comes with SQL Server 2016 express but Windows Server 2022 won’t support this version…

As per Gostev’s latest email -

Speaking of 11a, as a reminder it will be a minor release almost entirely focused on delivering official support for recent and upcoming app, platform and OS versions. I know many folks can't wait for it due to already running yet-unsupported releases. But of course, the main "anchor" of this release for us has been the general availability of Windows Server 2022. So the good news here is that Microsoft has quietly made it generally available last week, ahead of the official launch which is presumed to happen on September 1st. This means that we can start our full regression testing cycle against the Server 2022 GA code straight away, which is really the best case scenario as it will reduce the gap between its launch and our official support.”

Thanks for sharing Chris, I’d read that and took it to assume that means full support, but it’s whether that means a caveat of install your own SQL Server Express or if the ISO will now also bundle either 2017/2019 Express edition for the newer operating systems.

I gotcha.  Yeah would be nice if they updated the SQL Express to a newer version from 2016.  Maybe they will who knows but my suspicion is that it will not so this might be an install it first then Veeam scenario.

Update 24/08/2022: Provided information regarding SQL Server and a potential impact with Veeam.


@Rick Vanover @Kseniya , unusual request I know but would Veeam be able to make any comment about whether Veeam v11a will support Windows Server 2022 as a target for backup infrastructure components such as proxy/repository or even VBR itself? Or whether it’s just VM support. Mainly because VBR only comes with SQL Server 2016 express but Windows Server 2022 won’t support this version…

As per Gostev’s latest email -

Speaking of 11a, as a reminder it will be a minor release almost entirely focused on delivering official support for recent and upcoming app, platform and OS versions. I know many folks can't wait for it due to already running yet-unsupported releases. But of course, the main "anchor" of this release for us has been the general availability of Windows Server 2022. So the good news here is that Microsoft has quietly made it generally available last week, ahead of the official launch which is presumed to happen on September 1st. This means that we can start our full regression testing cycle against the Server 2022 GA code straight away, which is really the best case scenario as it will reduce the gap between its launch and our official support.”

Thanks for sharing Chris, I’d read that and took it to assume that means full support, but it’s whether that means a caveat of install your own SQL Server Express or if the ISO will now also bundle either 2017/2019 Express edition for the newer operating systems.

When @Gostev had not mention it in his digest, I would have missed that Microsoft does not offer a free Hyper-V with 2022 any more.

Nice so waiting for v11a before testing.

On that subject, IE11 will be disabled in Windows 10 next year (15th June 2022) unless you’re using Windows 10 LTSC. Instead it’s going to force you to use IE Mode within Edge.


Microsoft will support IE mode until at least 2029.


More information here:

Thanks for this information too! Good to know to be able to run old applications if there is not alternative. 

Since the official image is out, I will be testing this via MDT/WDS soon and may end up performing an in-place upgrade soon.

Has anyone already upgraded? 

I think it is too early… Some are probably testing!
